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Archived Discussion UsefulNotes / ForumPeckingOrder

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Silent Hunter: Definite case of a promotion at Giant In The Playground- I hold "Orc in the Playground" status after only four months there.

Emily(a lurker): We might also note that the most important rule of the forum pecking order is that you must never, ever, mention the forum pecking order. Talking about it explicitly will lead to endless arguments— I've seen this happen on a forum I used to frequent. People would argue endlessly about who still qualified as "new"(after how many months? or how many posts? and are Bright Young Things granted honorary "oldbie" status), and who were the "veteran" or "original" members. The worst of it was when someone proposed actually making a secret password-protected board for "original members", whoever they are; the debate simmered for weeks and Godwin's Law was invoked a lot.

Gerkuman: Where on this list would be a staff member that's never taken seriously/picked on? Yes, they still have authority, but this list is based on respect.
