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Archived Discussion Platform / Facebook

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Citizen: Pfft. I barely visit the site, and even then only to look up someone's contact information. I winced when I saw how they were offering "gifts" icons that could be sent to someone... for a price.

Rothul: Our wiki's "purpose" is as malleable as the people who write it. Cutting a minor article about a popular internet site, a clear New Media institution, mentioned on numerous other pages, would only make us less thorough for no real purpose.

This Troper: At the end of the article, a change made in April 2009 is mentioned. It doesn't identify the change. I use facebook, and I really have no idea what they got rid of... Could someone clarify?

billybobfred What he said. I put a source code comment on the main page so people who don't look at discussions can help, but I would really like to know what we're talking about here.

Riti Troll: Thirding the "Please, what is it?" It's not aps, groups, events, notes, tagging, posting, or anything like that, so I'm lost.

Moocow1452: Fourthed, maybe we should just nix that part of the article?

Color Printer: Can we remove the final bit because some of these flaws can be attributed to server problems (something EVERY website has one time or another) and the one about the news feed is somewhat wrong? (Did you try clicking Live Feed, buddy?)
