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Gus: See, now ...

...possibly including An Aesop about why video games are horrible and teenagers should be watching responsible adults shoot each other on TV instead.
... is just plain funny.

Paul A: Seconded.

Semiapies: Likewise - this is the only discussion page I've gone to comment on just to say "that was hilarious".

Looney Toons: The reason that Mazes and Monsters probably gets cited as a "case study" is that it was Inspired by… a real case of a disturbed college student who ended up killing himself; the D&D connection was just as thoroughly investigated and confirmed as the more recent "Heavy Metal" connections to teen suicides have been — which is to say, someone decided they wanted an easy scapegoat rather than face up to having failed the kid when he needed help.

Scifantay: Right, LT. I really, really want to put a reference to Patricia Pulling somewhere in this wiki, but I don't know what the best place would be.

Keenath: I'm always irriated by the habit of ignoring a huge, well adjusted population of people who do something — like gamers or D&D players — to focus on the small group of weirdos. Given that you can find nuts in ANY hobby, this is an extremely dishonest approach.

Given how many MILLION copies these games sell, yes, I'm sure you can find unstable people who purchased it.

Possibly the single most famous Chick Tract, Dark Dungeons, targeted D&D. Whether it actually converted any D&D players is highly doubtful.
I don't get what this is hinting about. Expansion please.

Phartman: Which part? Chick Tracts are comic book-style pamphlets published by Jack T. Chick intended as a convenient tool for evangelizing. While I don't doubt that Chick's heart is in the right place, many of them are loaded with inaccurate data and mischaracterization for the sake of drama. The tract in question alleges that D&D is a ploy by Satanists to corrupt the minds and souls of impressionable youth (to get an idea of how Chick does things, one character hangs herself after her avatar in the game is killed).

I've never noticed D&D players suffer anything worse than the occasional pantsing or locker stuffing in my day, so while the tract fits one part of the trope (discrediting a popular hobby through misinformation), it's not about the evils of video gaming, so it doesn't necessarily apply here.

Meta4: I'm responding to this here because it's completely off-topic:
  • To most of you, Antimony's voice will probably sound like the Englishwoman that Peter Griffin put into a coma with a dirty joke.


  • Then a Tekwar videogame was made, but the objective is apparently to convince people that they should go out and kill the developers.

Dang, this is just... dang. Walls hurt.

gryffinp: Would it be fair to add Painkiller as a real-life example waiting to happen? I mean, Jesus. It's a good thing the Moral Guardians haven't noticed it yet.

  • Suggestion for Laconic version:
    • "Teenagers' stereotypical view of how they think parents and adults stereotypically view all (violent) video games." - Unless I'm Completely Missing The Point ...

Sabre Justice: Alternately: Mad World.

On another note, love the page pic.
