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Archived Discussion Main / TranslationStyleChoices

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Since the page quote itself has been translate dfrom the French I rather wonder what kind of translation the translator thought they were making, and indeed what the original French looked like.

Socran: You know, I don't think Direct Translation needs a snappy name. It says enough about itself on its own.

Lord Seth: Where would Gag Dub fit into this? (or does it not really count as a translation?)

Redkun: The best idea I can come up with for an alternative name for Direct Translation is to have the title in Japanese (romanji). Sadly my Japanese isn't advanced enough for that. Anyone want to give it a shot?

Licky Lindsay: it's kind of funny that "dynamic equivalence" and "formal equivalence" were things I'd already heard of in relation to different translations of The Bible into English. Especially when you consider that Bible translations may just be the Ur-Example for explanatory footnotes like what this page lists as option "3A". Reading this page leaves me imagining what Macekre and Blind Idiot translations of the Bible would be like.

  • Snow: For Macekre, something like that video showing the Rated PG version of "300"?

Snow: I don't know if this'd fit into the article, but: A major theme of the work of writer/philosopher/AI researcher Douglas Hofstadter is what it really means to translate something or "do the same thing". He seems to favor Option 2, and is fascinated by how ideas can "slip" to related ones that preserve the original meaning in some sense.

Snow: Why the deletion of the Miyazaki "no cuts" story?
