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Archived Discussion Main / TestosteronePoisoning

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: EXTREME Manliness: From YKTTW

Juice Box Hero: Adding Preposterone, Macho Macho Man, Menergy, and Uberman Syndrome as redirects.

Rissa: If 300 is "a straight example", shouldn't it be under Rated M for Manly?

Shrikesnest: So I'd just like to state that the entire room laughed at the page pic for like twenty minutes on and off. Thanks to whomever put it up.

RE: "Real Man's Man" Steve Regal — that's NOT how you mix cement!! ~~Mac Phisto

Unknown Troper: Okay, seriously. Who keeps adding Quaritch from Avatar on here? The man is not a parody in any way.

Iron Lion: If this trope is just playing with Rated M for Manly, shouldn't it just be a section on that page rather than a trope in its own right? We're discouraged from creating separate tropes for exaggerations, so why should parodies be different?
