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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Seth: Removed "TV Example:" because thats more or less a given here at TV Tropes. Adam: Severus Snape?

Kat Kit: Why was Chiaki moved to live-action TV? Pls to be explaining, kthx.

Fencedude: There's both live action and anime versions of Nodame Cantabile

Schlitzrüssler: If a character already has Mary Sue-ish traits, how does displaying "overwhelming arrogance" make him LESS of a Marty Stu?? I quote: "(...) and the only thing that saves him from being a Marty Stu is his overwhelming arrogance and constant annoyance at being surrounded by people he sees as idiots. He'll often make snarky comments on the current situation which show that he knows much more about what's going on than anyone else,(...)" All Marty Stus I've seen in fanfiction and fiction were insufferably arrogant and often jerks.

Pteryx: Of course, most Marty Stus aren't intended to be like this. Tall, Dark, and Snarky is written this way consciously, even anviliciously. Marty Stu also carries a distinct possibility of being an idealized Self-Insert.

Uknown Troper: Removed Cain. He's a hero mainly by accident, one of the least arrogant people in the Warhammer universe (mostly because he's almost died too many times to have the luxury of confidence), and while snarky to himself he's very seldomly openly so.

Haven: Not Tall Snark And Handsome? Ah well.


  • Any Sherlock Holmes, but especially Rupert Everett in 2005 The Case of the Silk Stocking.
    • The literary Holmes would fit this trope, except for the "Bishonen" part.
      • Some may beg to differ.

Some may beg to differ... on the "he would fit" part, or on the "he's not a Bishounen" part?
