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Archived Discussion Main / SchrodingersGun

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Schrodingers GM: From YKTTW

"There's a can of Heisenberg Tuna in the fridge" Are you sure? Is it moving somewhere else? You can't feed cats potential tuna.

Earnest: But you can feed a potential cat potential tuna! ;D

All the same, fixed it up some for the science geeks among us, just hope it's not too obscure a joke. ^_^;

Arutema: Removed Roslin from the not-cylon list. She has no parents or child to prove it. The Cylons could be running a long con with her prophesied role.

Prfnoff: Revised the Ender's Game example, taking out a ludicrous amount of spoiler-tagged Conversation In The Main Page.
Fast Eddie: un-buried the lead.

Earnest: Snipped this, for lack of punctuation and bitterness.
  • almost makes you think that none of "Battlestar Galactica" was planned from the beginning oh yeah it wasn't :P
