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Working Title: Peer Pressure Makes You Evil: From YKTTW

Tangent128: Zapping:

  • Also, in Gilmore Girls, Rory is "ordered" by her headmaster to make some friends. She does and joins some kind of group, who pressure her into breaking into the school at night to steal a bell. When she gets caught, she complains to the headmaster that he's the one that wanted her to have more friends. He gets angry at her revealing his own hypocrisy and kills her, thus ending the series.

Haven't seen the show, but a little searching implies that to be patent nonsense. That, and the contributor posted under "Troll The Troll"...

Kilyle: lol... I'm surprised we don't get more entries of this nature. Or maybe we do and I just don't see them because they're deleted too quickly. I expect a fun "best of the fake endings" page would just encourage them, but still....

Kilyle: Does the movie Heathers go like this? It's been a while since I saw it, and I only saw it once, but my head says it's something like this.
  • The DARE Program backfired miserably because of its overbearing message that drugs are everywhere and that you will be peer-pressured into taking them. Problem was kids took away from that, "So since everyone's taking drugs, I'm a bigger reject by not taking them". At best the program was ineffective, but a significant percent of the kids went on to take drugs anyway.

Somebody tell me if that's for real.


The page has a paragraph at the end: "Different from a story in which a newcomer joins a group of likeminded people (i.e. elite university, medical students, law firm, biker gang), only to find out there's an evil conspiracy operating in the background or that all the bikers are vampires; in this case the protagonist has to uncover the conspiracy and fight to survive." Do we have a trope for that? That's actually what I came here looking for.
