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Archived Discussion Main / OverrideCommand

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Azaram: I know nobody will believe it, but I actually had this happen in a real life example. I do tech support, and at the time was working for IBM. Someone called in complaining that they couldn't log in using a securID because they had lost theirs, and they were mad because putting in 'override' for the password didn't work. Really. I am not making this up.

(athcnv): Shouldn't Wrath of Khan be here? (can't remember the exact words)

Khan underling: They're overriding us! Khan: Override the override! Underling: I CAN'T!

The Demolition Man entry confuses me. I thought there was a bit where Sylvester and Sandra Bullock break into a computer with the override command. Either way, I've seen the movie a few times and don't remember anything like the scene described on the page at all. In conclusion, confusing.
