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Archived Discussion Main / MultinationalTeam

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Armadillo: Added an Avatar entry. Don't know why there wasn't one sooner.

Ununnilium: IMHO, there should be a separate trope for, say, Racially Balanced Cast. Something like early seasons of Power Rangers, say. It's different because the cast isn't from different countries - they tend to all live in the same suburban neighborhood.

Looney Toons: Maybe call it Politically Correct Cast, Rainbow Cast or maybe even Five-Token Band, because it's almost never for story reasons. Good example: an outfit called Saban campaigned for the rights to Sailor Moon before Di C got them, and made a short demo film of what they wanted to do with the property. They threw out the original cast and created a painfully politically-correct grouping of girls, right down to a Sailor Senshi in a wheelchair. (See it here — scroll down to "The Saban Nightmare".)

Ununnilium: I like Five-Token Band.

...oh my god, Saban Moon. XD Yeeeeah, I remember when that first bobbed up out of the Internet's brackish waters.

Thunderbirds, Newsboy Legion, Blackhawk, Hogan's Heroes. Some kungfu movies were multinational. Sometimes it was to provide a variety of villains and therefor combat styles for the hero to face. Other times, "multinational" was relative to China and showed how people from the various provinces could find a common purpose facing the enemies of society.

Looney Toons: I've decided that "Captain Ethnic and the Five Token Band" is a great name for a recording act, and that I just might make up a discography for them stretching all the way back to their self-titled debut as psychedelic rockers in the late 1960s.

Ununnilium: Better shut down the wiki, everybody; we've fulfilled our purpose.

Daibhid C: A long time ago I remember watching the Scots Gaelic dub of Captain Planet (yes, there really was one. No, I don't actually speak Gaelic, I was just that bored). And I'll swear that in the opening narration, the kid with the fire powers (from the U.S. in the original) was described as "o Alba" ("from Scotland"). Did something similar happen in other European countries?

Charred Knight: I wouldn't call an organization made up nearly entirely of Japanese with one german chick multi-national.

Luthen: I know this is probably not wanted on the main page but there's an Australian in the Kids Next Door? Is it Numbah 2, cause he sounds to my ears like a lower class brit.
  • Lime: I remember Numbah 4 being Australian...

Lime: Why is this article listed as having no index? It has three of them and it doesn't redirect to another article.
