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Archived Discussion Main / MeaningfulBackgroundEvent

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Andyzero: I don't remember which Zombie Apocalypse movie it was, but they were at a cemetary, and this guy is the background slowly walks to them while they're talking. Eventually you realize it's a zombie.

{{Insert Coin(s) to Continue}}: Would this count? Excuse my lack of specifics, but the source material warrants it. David Lynch's Inland Empire featured a scene in which a lady, lit by very focused lighting, walked, non-suspiciously, up a stone path towards the camera. As she got close, the audience could begin to see a rather creepy and demented expression on her face. It was, at that point, accompanied by more dramatic "scare music". This troper was startled by it, at least.

Oh, and, Andyzero, I don't know if this is the zombie movie you're thinking of, but the effect you're describing was done in the original Night of the Living Dead.

Softspoken: I think that the event Insert described would count if there was another focus during that scene. If the woman is the only thing/person in the scene, then it doesn't count.
