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Archived Discussion Main / IronicHell

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Tenko: I'm not sure if the 40 virgins belong here, since they've got self-regenerating hymens. Because they're not human virgins. No, really.

Licky Lindsay: It's even Older Than They Think. Dante was preceeded by ancient Greek and/or Roman myths. See the wikipedia article "Tartarus".

Looney Toons: L-chan, subject-verb agreement is your friend. Verb tense is your friend. Noun... oh, hell, all of freaking English grammar is your friend. Get to know it.

Rogue 7: Would Sartre's No Exit count?

Tayce Marley: The New Testament Apocryphal text, the Apocalypse of Peter, is one of the earliest Christian descriptions of hell and much of the punishments adhere to the idea 'lex talionis'- that the punishment should fit the crime. It includes descriptions of blasphemers being hanged by the tongue and women who have abortions being haunted by the ghosts of their unborn babies.
