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Archived Discussion Main / GiantSpider

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Pulled ...

He is our hero
Get rid of
Step on
We love you, spider!

... so it has spider in the lyrics. Doesn't have anything to do with the trope.

fleb: Yeah, doesn't have much to do with giant spiders. It must've been re-added, so I cut it again.

KL Symph: Hmm, the list of stuff for the System Shock and Thief spiders is probably too long. If anybody wants to cut it, please do.

—- Majin Gojira: On the page image, I have to that even a spider at all? Sure, it's big, but aside from having multiple segmented legs, that's no where near being a spider. I understand it's there to keep aracnophobes from flipping out—which makes me wonder why an aracnophobe would click on a link to a trope entitled "Giant Spider" to begin wtih.

Short version: That image sucks, someone needs to find a better one because that sure as hell ain't a spider by any stretch of the definition.

lockhead: We could put up one of the giant Funnelwebs from Resident Evil, but owh rightly pulled the image.

Majin Gojira: I like the 8 Legged Freaks image now up there. Those are at least proper arachnids.
