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Working Title: Exposed To The Eliments: From YKTTW

Spectrum: Where is the picture from? Someone add source or link.

  • Having cosplayed as him, I can attest to the Chrono example. That thing got hot as hell, and I'm fairly sure it's actually made of lighter material than his coat.

Nornagest: Cut from the Tomb Raider examples:

** Played straight in Underworld, where she wears a legless wetsuit for a swim in the Arctic Sea.

Only if you tell her to. The default is a tight but full-body drysuit, which is probably still inadequate but not utterly ridiculous.

Just wondering: does wearing fur hats in the desert as seen in Rambo 3 belong here?

Great Limmick: It seems to me that the winter uniforms of most anime schoolgirls seem uncomfortable. Yes, the long sleeves are nice, but the skirts are still pretty short.
