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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Vampiric Blood Transfusion: From YKTTW

sickishfish: Went ahead and replaced the LJ Smith example with a more detailed writeup. Sticking it in a bullet point under a ...Or So I Heard just seemed silly.

Kilyle: Can someone add a Real Life example or two? I'm not going to take the time to flesh these out right now, but the ones that come to mind are:

  • Do you give a transfusion if it's going to give the guy AIDS (etc.)?
  • Do you resuscitate a person (thus saving a life) even if the life thereafter would be severely impaired (as with brain death for X minutes)?
    • Oh, and saving a person's life by removing a limb probably counts too. The angst of "You always wanted to make me less of a man!" and the ensuing risk of suicide provide great drama - in Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly series, but surely in others as well.
  • ...and also the Good Samaritan laws that deal with e.g. CPR-related transmission of a disease ("I'd rather have died than have to live with Hep C"???).
  • Might also include "Just how hard do with work to save this baby" who has Downs, is a Harlequin baby, etc.
