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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: What About Us: From YKTTW

Redirects from Save The Girl Screw The World (per this discussion) and Romantic Love Is More Important.

Lina: I left out a couple of otherwise legitimate examples from the YKTTW. The Hellboy one was a quote straight from Wikipedia. Someone can try to rewrite it if they like. And there was some talk of it happening in Sailor Moon, but nobody came up with a clear example.

Nobodymuch: They were probably thinking of Sailor Moon giving up the Grail to the bad guys but no love interest was involved there. In fact Sailor Moon "killed" her brainwashed love interest to save the world in the anime.

Kilyle: An example from Buffy is played exactly as this trope, but not for lovers - Buffy vows to defend Dawn even if it means the end of the universe and obviously the end of Dawn as well ("The last thing she will see is me defending her"). Should fit, but I'll leave it to someone else to put it in.

Kitsune Nine Tails: How is the Mai Hime entry in any way related to this trope? If there is something there, perhaps it should be expanded to make sense?

The Tambourine Man: Cut the Bleach example. This trope isn't about having too many rescue attempts.

We've got three potential quotes—somebody ripped two of them off and put them in the Quotes Wiki, but I disagree on which one to keep. So instead of starting an edit war, I've put them all here and we can decide which is best.

"Why would I choose cosmic energy over Katara?"

"The irony is that with the New Republic ready to tear itself apart, you rushed off to save me. Ignoring your self-delegated responsiblities in order to save that one woman and her one life."

"Setting fire to an entire city for the sake of one woman seems...excessive."
"Fuck the city. I'd burn the whole world to save her."
Majesty and Caine, Acts Of Caine

Discar: One vote for the Caine quote. Fits the tone of the article perfectly: Save the girl, even when the decision makes all your friends question your sanity.
