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Archived Discussion Main / AgentMulder

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Jack Harkness doesn't really apply here; he isn't seemingly-crazy-yet-really-right, he's the experienced leader who just happens to have experience in fairies, aliens, and weird crap.

Lale: Is this the trope for paranoid conspiracy theorists (no magic or anything supernatural involved)?

Ununnilium: It can be. It's any character who Wants To Believe.

Haphazard: Okay, there is a problem with this trope. On the bottom bar, it links to Agent Cooper and an X. Agent Cooper redirects to Agent Mulder. Therefore, there is no way to move throughout the list through the bottom bar. Do we have any Techno Wizards that know how to fix that? Is there any way to get rid of the offending Agent Cooper entry?

SlvstrChung: How is this different from Cloud Cuckoo Lander? Is the only difference that an Agent Mulder acts normal?
