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Archived Discussion Main / AbductionIsLove

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

HeartBurn Kid: Nice page, but I really think we should change the title to Stockholm Love, after Stockholm Syndrome.

Ununnilium: Yeah. For one thing, I understand the lack of G is a reference/pun, but it's a pretty weak pun (especially without the apostrophe), and it looks and feels like a mistake.

Looney Toons: In re:
(It's a good thing the number of pirates and the number of daughters matched up and that, in the movie, the ugly daughter was willing to be matched with the ugly pirate.)
Actually, in The Pirate Movie, Mabel pairs up two of the (male) pirates with each other in order to make the numbers work out right.

Ununnilium: Taking out:

  • The Ranma 1/2 movie, Nihao, My Concubine had the female cast members (and Ranma her—uh, himself) being kidnapped by an island prince as bridal candidates for himself and for his male subjects.

...because, obviously, none of them ended up in a romantic relationship with their captors.

The Star Wars EU novel The Courtship of Princess Leia had a race of Amazon women who traditionally kidnap men - was that really unique?
Skazka: Wait, did I edit in the link to Karmic Death on the 28 Days Later one or did someone else? It's hardly karmic. You screw with Jim's love interest, you get Jim's thumbs through your eyes. Cause. Effect.

knave_cornbread: Do we know if this is an intentional pun on the Sabine women? If you're not familiar with the story, this is pretty much how all of Rome's founding men acquired their wives:
