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Archived Discussion Film / Nosferatu

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Looney Toons: Just a couple notes: the persistent myth about Max Schreck is in part due to him having a real-life version of a Prophetic Name: "Schreck" is a German and Yiddish word that means "horror" or "terror". (And yes, Shrek is the same word, and intentionally used by William Steig in his original book as the name of an ogre.) And, as some people here already know, my last name is a minor spelling variant of "Schreck"; our family folklore holds that Max is a not-too-distant relative although no one's ever proved it. Oh, and before I forget, the Max Schreck in Batman Returns is a deliberate Homage to Nosferatu.
