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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Rogue 7: Meaning no offense to the concept, but I kind of feel that this should be its own website. This wiki is in english, honestly, and having German pages around clutters things up quite a bit.

Gemmifer: I agree. When pages are added it will need to move. But as it's only one page so far, it doesn't need it's own website.

Dragon Quest Z: The administrators don't seem to mind.

Frank75: Let's see. The French already have more than a dozen pages.

Satanic Hamster: I was kind of looking forward to those German compound words.

Tom S. Fox: Talking about compound words, "Medientropen" is one, so write it as one, damn you! "Tropen" is a wrong translation anyway, it must be "Klischees"!

  • "Stilmittel" would also be a good word for it.

Sdfghj: While I agree that Tropen is a gratious translation (it means tropical woods) it is technically correct. The word Klischee is just the translation of cliché and the page clearly states "tropen sind keine Klischees". (tropes are no clichés) Wikipedia suggests that it is:

Singular:"der Tropus" or "die Trope"

Plural:"die Tropen" or "die Tropoi" while the later is hard to pronounce it is unconfuseable. so I sugesst sticking with that.

Fun fact:The German wikipedia-entry on tropus is about twice as long as the English one and the only weblink is this very wiki. Keep up the good work guys.

Zelnor: The terminology has to be universally defined first; at the moment we're using "Tropen" which means "Tropical Forest". Tropes do not work like that. Tropes are... well, recurring patterns. Either we use it an as anglicism and fiddle with the grammar, or we make a new word to avoid having it look like Gratutious German. Also, we have so many pages already, who'd mind increasing the sphere of influence for the Troper Hivemind ? Universal Multilingual Domination is near ! Hail TV Tropes !

  • Considering the implication and meaning of 'Trope', I suggest... er... Well, either "Muster", or jsut really using Trope. Problem would be the article - is 'Trope' masculine, feminine or neutral ? I think "Der Trope" sounds best. Anglicisms, yay !
    • Der Trope, die Tropes, Ich trope, du tropest, er/ sie/ es tropet, wir tropen, ihr tropet, sie tropen. As long as they don't confuse it with "trompeten" or something.
  • Frank75: Du glaubst es vielleicht nicht, aber "Tropen" ist tatsächlich der korrekte Plural von "Tropus". Schlag nach, wenn du mir nicht glaubst.
    • Der Verwechslungsgrad mit den Tropen-wäldern jedoch würde die Deutsche Wiki in puren Narm verwandeld, deshalb befürworte ich weiterhin die Einführung eines Anglizismus. ... Woher kommt das Wort Tropus ?
      • Das Wort Tropus kommt aus dem Grieschischem. Von Wikipedia: Er leitet sich ab von gr. τροπή (Wendung)
      • Hmmm... Trotzdem wuerde es im Kontext irgendwie... merkwuerdig sein. Danke fuer die linguistische Info.
      • Der Meinung bin ich auch, deswegen bitte, bitte TV-Tropoi!
      • Für Anglizismus! "Medien Tropen" (samt Deppenleerzeichen) klingt einfach zu bescheiden. Als Informatiker bin ich sowieso dagegen, alles Zwangs-Einzudeutschen. Allein die deutsche Startseite reicht mir, um auch in Zukunft Tvtropes nur auf Englisch zu geniessen. :)
