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Archived Discussion DarthWiki / WangstForTheMemories

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Rothul: I wish to apologize for OSI for the confusion in linking up these two episodes... and for blatantly using their excellent "Roy Benbar" idea.

OSI: No problem! And props for Kiramen Sanfrancisco.

Redkun: I think I speak for all of us when I ask: what the hell is this?

Cassy: Rothul, you created a monster! And I Must Scream!

Cassy: Redkun, this is a description of an episode of the super tro new experimental show The Punisher's Song of Evangelion and I Must Scream, a fresh tale about the status of the artist in a world where critics are masochistic morons. (BTW, I love how you phrased your question ^^)

Haven: Wow, this probably turned out a lot better than if I had gone and done it. GJ guys.
