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Reviews FanficRecs / Growing Up Black

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feral Since: Apr, 2009
11/12/2012 00:16:48 •••

A very cool AU

This is a very cool read!

Spoilers! Harry was raised by the Squibs of the Black family and grew up embroiled in the ancient pure-blooded family politics. His new childhood has him growing up with dark wizards, a kindly but racist grandpa, and with Draco Malfoy as his best friend and playmate.

This Harry is more grey, a Magnificent Bastard in training, and both he and Draco are rich snobs but jerks with hearts of gold.

Harry also acts as the Black and Malfoy family's Morality Pet-because of Harry's presence the Black family elders decide to gets Sirius out of prison and Draco is sorted into Gryffindor.

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