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YMMV / Magic Ex Libris

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  • Catharsis Factor: The confrontation between Isaac and Meridiana within her Pocket Dimension is very exciting, especially because to get out Isaac must repent, which means he must go over all the horrible things that happened for the last book-and-a-half and honestly ask forgiveness.
    • Also, every single scene with Gutenberg in it is immensely exciting, simply because his character is so complex and they're all heavily built up.
  • Designated Villain: The villain from the first book is vastly more sympathetic than the picture we get of Johannes Gutenberg in the same book. This is lampshaded several times by pretty much all the good guys.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Lena is supposed to embody the idea of Real Women Have Curves. You wouldn't know that from looking at Codex Born's cover art.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: Several reviewers accused Isaac in Unbound of being whiny, when it is, in fact, a very accurate first-person description of depression.
  • Sequel Hook: One of the end-of-chapter snippets in Unbound features a letter from Isaac's brother. Apparently, Isaac's niece had a terrible accident and is now in agony every single day. Isaac, being a Libriomancer, could have slipped the girl some of the Narnia potion at any point but didn't to uphold The Masquerade. Now the Masquerade has been blown to bits and the brother is understandably upset.
    ''Isaac, if you don’t help that little girl, I swear to Christ I’ll never forgive you.
    Your brother,
