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  • Accidental Innuendo: "Hurry up and get inside me!" said by Alma when she learns Akira could control her body... while the two are butt-naked in his subconscious before the two merge.
  • Adaptation Displacement: The manga is a relatively obscure series based on the author's earlier work, with an even more obscure sequel which sadly got cancelled partway through the anime's airing. The anime is far more well known due to being produced by the well-known anime streaming website Crunchyroll, as well as Bile Fascination that followed after it premiered.
  • Awesome Art: The manga has stunning detail and fantastic character designs, which is extremely unfortunate since the infamous anime adaptation overshadows any merit the manga has.
  • Awesome Music: The series' theme song, "Rise Again", has been agreed to be pretty good, with comments agreeing the song is infinitely better than the anime deserves.
  • Bile Fascination: Most people watched the show for its animation and choreography — more specifically, just how bad they could both get — with very few people even caring enough to mention its plot, setting or characters.
  • Designated Hero: While Akira's a below average protagonist, his actions in the final episode end up making him this thanks to causing an Inferred Holocaust as detailed below.
  • Friendly Fandoms: With Attack on Titan, at least on Reddit. Since EX-ARM and Attack on Titan's final season aired on the same day, with EX-ARM released a few hours before the former, many AoT fans would come and visit the EX-ARM discussion threads to hang out, leading them to be called the "waiting room" for Titan. Both fandoms also joked that EX-ARM would take Attack on Titan's spotlight and popularity.
  • Inferred Holocaust: Akira's Heroic Sacrifice at the end of the season involves frying all technology in Japan with EMPs in order to stop Beta. Which likely includes all robotic life that had been developing in Japan, along with hospitals, airplanes, and various other electronics the country needs to survive.
  • Signature Scene: The shot of Akira's reaction to seeing a phone in the anime's first episode, mostly as an example of how bad the show's animation looks. Just about every video related to EX-ARM uses this shot for the thumbnail.
  • So Bad, It's Good: The anime has hilariously bad animation, fight scenes, and voice acting which makes it so entertaining to watch. Making it more confounding (and by extension funnier) is the series' declaration that it would "declare war on all SF series around the world!", which becomes almost sad when the anime did so poorly and attracted so much ridicule that the manga it was an adaptation of was cancelled two weeks before the final episode aired.
  • Special Effect Failure: The issues range from broken mo-cap animations, Dull Surprise to the point where characters like Minami look hilariously goofy when trying to express anything other than their default expressions, the choreography that makes everything look weightless and broken, the awful integration of the 2D elements (as well as the generally roughshod quality of said elements), the fact all smoke effects are layered over the camera (so they stay still even as the camera swings around the scene) and the regularly occurring Kissing Discretion Shot featuring Minami and Alma.
    • A very noticeable Blooper at the end of Episode 1 sees Alma getting tackled by the police while Minami, who was standing next to her in the initial shot of the officers entering the scene, is replaced by the soldier that pins Alma down, completely removing Minami from the rest of the episode without explanation.
    • At several points, gun models noticeably are switched between frames on camera, at least once when said gun was in the dead center of the screen.
    • A very very noticeable problem with the character models is the fact that their mouths have only two ways to move, opening and shutting. This means that every character can only emote by either opening their mouth wider or closing it, meaning any character whose default mouth is in a semi-smile very quickly dives headfirst into looking creepy when trying to express anything other than happiness (although most models already are living in there).
