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YMMV / Captain SNES: The Game Masta

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  • Arc Fatigue: Some chapters go on so long, and change perspective so frequently, and have so many hiatuses in-between that you completely forget what happened immediately before, during, or after the scene we're watching. Given that other characters have commented on this in story, however, it can justified as Alex's way of telling long stories.
  • Broken Base: The strips suggesting that Lucca saving her mother from being crippled was a bad thing did not get good reactions from some. Although it's intentional, the Sovereign of Sorrow using her powers to twist reality in a plausible but depressing direction, this wouldn't be meaningfully explained for years thanks to the comic's slow update schedule and meandering story structure.
  • Continuity Lock-Out: It's a fairly complex plot that touches on many, many video games and a decades-old TV show, so it easily causes this.
  • Crack Pairing: Dr. Wily is apparently dating Carmen Sandiego.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In this comic from 2005 it was joked that Chapter 2 would end in 2008... 2009, tops. Thanks to the comic's infamous Schedule Slip, that's exactly when it ended.
    • Now Act II has been retconned to have ended in 2004. Before the above comic was posted. Act III just ended, officially... despite the Final Fantasy VI cast, who started the whole 'Act III' gag, not having appeared yet.
    • The Body of the Sovereign has been mentioned to rest on a moon from FFIV. Sounds like a place a godlike being could be.
