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What Could Have Been / Grojband

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A lot of details regarding the show's behind-the-scenes development process has been revealed by the creators through their blogs and social media.

  • Corey's voice actor would've been Graeme Cornies (who voices Nick Mallory) and his original name was Tre Trippin.
  • Laney was originally going to be the band's drummer, which would have immediately made her an Expy of Kim Pines.
  • The show was originally intended to have a one-minute long theme song that explained the plot better, but got cut down to 20 seconds due to Cartoon Network wanting more commercial airtime instead. A leica reel of it can be found here on one of the creator's Youtube channels.
  • The pilot of the show (which later became the basis for the episode "Smash Up Terby") shows off several elements not present in the main show. A few of these include:
    • The fact that the show was supposed to have full 22 minute long episodes; these got cut down to two 11-minute episodes per half hour. Because of this, the version of the song "Tire Tracks" is longer than the version aired in the actual show.
    • The implicit presence of Corey and Trina's father, who has not appeared in the show at all; speaking of family, their last name is stated as being "Trippin" instead of "Riffin" at one point.
    • Mina has a different voice actor than in the main show.
    • The plot point of getting Trina's diary back to her, which is Hand Waved in the actual series.
  • Early concept art reveals Corey originally had brown Anime Hair and lacked his signature hat; Laney had longer hair, a green jacket, and sunglasses; and Trina had a ponytail, a visible midriff, and wore pink lipstick.
  • Early sketches for The Newmans show that Carrie and Kim were originally drawn with breasts (although in their debut episode "Creepaway Camp", this detail is kept on Carrie), while Lenny had facial hair. Also, Kim originally had Hartman Hips similar to those of Carrie and a completely different hairstyle.
  • The creators have revealed numerous ideas they had for the second season had it occurred:
