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Western Animation / Betty Boop's Big Boss

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A Betty Boop cartoon by Max and Dave Fleischer that was first released on June 2, 1933.

Betty Boop gets a job in an office, but her new boss starts to sexually harass her, warranting a swarm of police to come to her rescue.

Tropes Used In This Short:

  • Art Imitates Life: When a police man was napping at his desk while the alarm was going off, a nearby painting of a convict breaking rocks with a mallet hits him in the head with said mallet to wake him up.
  • Balloonacy: Two police officers tie themselves to balloons to reach the top floor.
  • Cigar Chomper: Big Boss smokes a cigar and after it flies off and lands in a spittoon, the spittoon animates long enough to take a puff of the cigar.
  • Damsel in Distress: As usual, Betty needs rescuing from a man's unwanted advances or she would of if it weren't for the Twist Ending.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: The sign outside the office reads:
    "Girl Wanted—Top Floor—Female Preferred"
  • Everything Talks: The coat rack stretches itself to catch Betty's hat, the spittoon smokes the cigar that lands in it, just to name a few.
  • Fat Bastard: Big Boss counts.
  • Gatling Good: Betty turns a pencil sharpener into a lead shooting Gatling gun and uses it on her Boss.
  • Hired for Their Looks: Betty flirts her way into her new job and with all the other female applicants not holding a candle to her, The Boss dismisses them via trap door.
  • Hired on the Spot: Big Boss hires Betty immediately after her song.
  • Imagine Spot: A thought cloud appears above Big Boss' head while imagining himself kissing Betty.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: The two police officers couldn't hit Big Boss from three feet away with their rapid fire guns.
  • No Name Given: "Big Boss".
  • Popping Buttons: Big Boss takes a deep breath and his large gut causes the buttons on both his jacket and waistcoat to fly off.
  • Reaching Between the Lines: Big Boss places a cigar in his mouth then calls an operator asking for a little service, so an arm holding a lit match comes out of the phone and lights his cigar.
  • Swallow the Key: The office door itself comes to life, locks itself, the mail-slot then shifts into a mouth and swallows the key.
  • Standard Snippet: When a pair of police officers were using a dog to inflate balloons to lift them, "Oh Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone?" can be heard.
  • Trap Door: Big Boss uses one on the female applicants when it's clear he prefers Betty over them.
  • Tummy Cushion: At one point during her song, Betty sits on the Boss' belly (even though she was singing "when I sit on your knee").
  • Twist Ending: When the police finally get to Betty to save her, they find that she's willingly kissing The Boss and closes the shutter for some privacy, warranting the police to give a group, "How do you like that!?"
  • Tyop on the Cover: The Police Dept. or rather the "Poleece Dept."


"A little service, please"

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5 (4 votes)

Example of:

Main / ReachingBetweenTheLines

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