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Webcomic / STuCK (Homestuck)

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STuCK is an MSPA Forum Adventure co-created by authors stilettoHurricane, Big Bad, sarydactl and King Fissure. STuCK follows in the footsteps of the story of "Homestuck". It follows Homestuck's example in having normal and animated panels in addition to animated flash pages.

STuCK follows four players; Katie, Chris, Sara and (the yet unrevealed) poisonPoltergeist, starting their own game of SBURB. Just like anybody trying to play a 'simple' game of SBURB, lots of things get in their way before they can even start playing proper including aggressive guardians, unsavory weather and mysterious demons.

It can be read here. The original forum threads are here and here.

Not at all associated with the novel Stuck.

This comic displays the following tropes:

  • Apocalypse How: Homestuck fans will also recognize Class 6 in-coming for the world the characters live on. Definitely shown with the destruction of Minneapolis.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Latin is used here and here. Translations: "I'm trying to help you" and "you won't last long" respectively.
  • Computer Voice: Greets Chris at the factory here.
  • False Start: The "game" glitches out in the second panel and has to be restarted.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Chris's TARDIS sylladex makes a flash when he captchalogues something, which he takes advantage of to distract Chloe.
  • Lizard Folk: One of the cards Chris summons is Gladiator Beast Retiari; a big Roman-themed Lizard-man.
  • Meaningful Name: The capital letters in the title are the first letters of the four author's names. It's been speculated that the 'u' stands for 'You, the reader."
  • Opaque Lenses:
    • Unless there's focus on her eyes, Sara has mostly only appeared with her glasses hiding her eyes.
    • pP's only appearances have been like this, but verging into Scary Shiny Glasses.

Alternative Title(s): Stuck
