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Web Animation / Hellbound

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Hellbound is a web series on You Tube created by "FluffyEnderPug"

It follows a group of workers in Lucifer's palace- Rafael, Todd, and Ida. Rafael hates his job, Todd has secrets, and Ida is blind to Lucifer's many flaws.

Seasons and casts

    Season 1 
This season pretty strictly follows Rafael as the main protagonist, though there are scenes devoted to other characters. Nonetheless, it almost always takes place in Hell aside from special occasions. The logline displayed at the top of the page pretty directly describes the setup and whatnot for season 1.

  • Tyler Hogan as Rafael, one of Lucifer's top servants despite how much he hates the guy
  • Nader_alali16 as Todd, the top chef of Lucifer's palace as well as the main love interest
  • Matthew Hogan as Shawn (also known as Lucifer), the leader of Hell
  • Amy Williams as Ida, the cheery sister-figure who admires Lucifer
  • Tyler Hogan as NIGHTMAER, the terrifying overlord who runs the Skull Rebellion
  • Lena Bergeron as Randall, the Russian alcoholic who Todd has a crush on
  • Tyler Hogan as A-99, Randall's alien friend who served in the Grand War
  • Ben Wolfgang as Jasper, Todd's bitter ex-boyfriend and Yellow Skull member of the rebellion
  • Andre Piper as Jon, Green Skull member of the rebellion and veteran of the Grand War
  • Ryan Tibbitts as Alex, Red Skull member of the rebellion and secondary love interest to Rafael
  • Adriana XR as Christine, Blue Skull member of the rebellion and Ida's girlfriend
  • Elena Hark as Sally, Orange Skull member of the rebellion and cheery girlfriend to Riley
  • Ali Cheff as Riley, Purple Skull member of the rebellion, drummer for Lucifer's Children, and monotone partner to Sally
  • Gina M as God, leader of Heaven
  • Joshua Williams as Wyatt, receptionist of Heaven and possible love interest of Todd
  • Mark Lee as HADES, android servant of Lucifer
  • Lorea Hogan as Brenda, Christine's grandmother who is causing problems in the palace
  • Bintang Johnson as A-47, veteran of the Grand War, ex-husband to Scrappy, love interest to Jon, and father to Wayne
  • Mitch Xander as Scrappy, ex-husband to A-47 and deadbeat father to Wayne
  • Sean Goodrich as Wayne, frontman of Lucifer's Children, son to A-47 and Scrappy, and boyfriend to Oliver
  • Ben Wolfgang as Oliver, bass player for Lucifer's Children and alien boyfriend to Wayne
  • Trina Deuhart as Dr. Asclepius, unenthusiastic doctor of Hell

Voiceless (or not voiced in season 1) characters include Ren, Yim, Yem, Xezzy, Vixo, and Don

Tropes in Hellbound:

  • Abusive Parents: We see this with quite a lot of the characters, though not many of them have been delved into so far
    • In episode 2, it is implied that Jon covering his eye has to do with judgment from his parents, which caused a deep-rooted self-hatred involving what hides beneath it
    • It's implied in episode 4 that Lucifer's dad was abusive to some extent
    • In episode 6, we learn that Scrappy (who has shown to have violent outbursts towards those younger than him for little reason) lost custody of Wayne, likely due to such outbursts
    • Ida's parents were not accepting of her being transgender, and made her life a living Hell for it
  • Achey Scars: We see that Todd keeps his scarred eye squinted when it is exposed, likely due to phantom pain from his attack
  • Berserker Tears: We see this a few times with Rafael, who is often seen crying when he gets extremely angry, though this is rare
  • Big Word Shout: These are seen frequently throughout the series. It would take a century to list every instance, but a good example is in episode six when Rafael finds Todd's collapsed body and yells "GODDAMMIT!"
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Episode 8 marks a turning point from mostly laid back to darker
  • The Chain of Harm: Satan abused Lucifer, so Lucifer abused Rafael
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Pretty much every character has a traumatic backstory, but the ones that are most obvious based on their choices/overall personality are probably Jon, Todd, and Lucifer
  • Death Is Dramatic: A's older brother is really only made important because of the effect his death had on A
  • Freudian Excuse: Lucifer is the way he is largely due to his abusive father.
