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Warp That Aesop / The Matrix

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  • Everything you know is a lie. But it's a lie that has stunning dress sense, delicious food, and the chance to play a superhero.
  • Also, everyone around you who doesn't have stunning dress sense might be One Of Them. So it's okay to massacre them en masse.
  • Cops are evil and should be shot on sight.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses will make you good at kung-fu in no time.
    • Computers make you learn kung-fu in seconds; alternatively, you can learn kung-fu on the internet.
  • French people are decadent and evil.
  • Trans people can fly, dodge bullets and bend spoons with their minds if sufficiently empowered. note 
  • Don't listen to anyone, because we say so.
  • The nature of reality is unknowable, so eat, drink, and be merry, because you'll never find any meaning.
    • Technically this is a completely valid philosophical position called Solipsism.
  • But waking people up to a cruel dystopia where there's not enough food for even a few people to go around is OK as long as it's in the interest of The Truth.
  • Freedom means being on the losing side of a hopeless Forever War against an enemy with no conscience or mercy.
  • Any means of escaping an oppressive system was put their on purpose by the oppressive system to control you in a different, equally insidious fashion.
