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WMG / Reacher

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Season 2 will have a bait and switch plot
Season 2 at first will seem like a completely new story in a different location with Reacher meeting new characters and bad guys. Later episodes will reveal that the main villains are still the Venezuelan Cartel who are now after Reacher for ruining their counterfeiting business at the end of Season 1.
  • Jossed
If The Visitor is adapted, Sorenson and Harper will be a Composite Character and, Red Herring or not, the black market ring will have a bunch of Mooks who fight Reacher to keep the action flowing.

If Tripwire is adapted, Hobie will have a child or sibling instead of parents as a Setting Update.

If Tripwire is adapted, Reacher and Hobie will have a physical fight to the death instead of a Mexican Standoff.

In the series finale, Reacher will return to Margrave and discover that he and Roscoe have a child.
  • Roscoe and Reacher are a popular fan couple and Roscoe has a daughter who may or may not be Jack's in one of Diane Capri's Schrödinger's Canon spinoff books (which is one of the few things that fans remotely like about those books).
    • In support of this, their Shower of Love is highly unlikely to have involved any protection. Assuming Roscoe is not on any birth control, of course.

If Die Trying is adapted for season 2, Jodie Garber will make an Early-Bird Cameo.

Possible future flashbacks.
  • Die Trying: Holly's past as an FBI agent.
  • Tripwire: Hobie and/or Allen in Vietnam.
  • The Visitor: Reacher's encounters with the victims and other women who experienced sexual harassment in the military.
  • Echo Burning: Carmen's abusive relationship with Sloop.
  • Persuader: Reacher's meetings with Kuhl, just like in the book.
  • Bad Luck and Trouble: Reacher's most meaningful experience with each of his fellow special investigators.
    • Partially confirmed, as Season 2's episodes have flashbacks with Reacher and the other investigators but only some get special attention (with Franz being a focus in Episode 1, Dixon in Episode 2, and Swan being the focus from Episode 3-5).
  • Past Tense: Reacher's memories of his father.
If One Shot is adapted, then it will borrow at least one element from the Tom Cruise film of the same book: giving names and backstories to all of the victims.
  • Likely Jossed, as the second episode of season 2 implies that the events of One Shot happened offscreen during the Time Skip.

One or two of the special investigators who die in Bad Luck and Trouble will be kept alive by their captors long enough for Reacher and the others show up, and will then be kept alive for information about them, but will mislead the villains.
  • Jossed
Stan Lowrey will be alive and help with the investigation
  • Fans like the description of him in the books and wish he had remained alive. This could be an Author's Saving Throw.
  • Seemingly Jossed, unless he's Faking the Dead, as Lowrey is mentioned as dead when Reacher meets Neagley, just like in the books.

Dixon will get a race lift to correspond with Neagley's.
  • She is played by a white actress in the show and is described as "dark" in the book, but whether that means her skin or just her hair is unclear.
Deputy Brant (or Detective Russo, as he's renamed in the show) will have a bigger role in season two than he did in the 11th book and will probably have a Death by Adaptation.
  • He has an odd case of What Happened to the Mouse? in the book.
  • He has far more dialogue in the third episode than he does in the entire book, and gets many additional scenes and nuanced personality traits. His early interactions with Reacher suggest he will either have an arc similar to Finlay or end up being a villainous character himself (especially since his superior officer (the traitor in the book) has a far smaller role and he and Reacher have talked about how they might like to have another brawl later on).
  • Sadly confirmed in episode 6, where it is established that he is an honest cop and that his boss is a corrupt one, which is followed by Russo getting gunned down by the villains.
Part of the denouement for A Wanted Man will be adapted in season 2.
Specifically, Lamaison and his men will only be scamming their terrorist clients by pretending to sell them a weapon. If this is the case, then they might be a Red Herring in the murder of the special investigators and the casinos Sanchez and Orozco work in might be responsible.
  • Jossed

General Garber will have a Big Good role for multiple seasons. If Tripwire is adapted, his death will be a murder at the hands of Hook Hobie or from complications of an injury in an earlier season.
  • Seemingly Jossed, as Garber doesn't appear in Season 2, and the 110th answers to an occasionally Obstructive Bureaucrat named Fields.

Dixon will get back with her old fianceé in the season 2 finale after she and Reacher part ways.
  • Seemingly Jossed
Sanchez and Orozco are still alive and the pictures of their bodies were faked.
  • It's a long shot , but if the show adapts the police corruption angle from the book, then maybe the Catskills cops and/or Russo helped Langston pretend to kill them like Franz to provoke or mislead the Special Investigators.

If Swan is neither dead nor evil, then he is fending for himself in the woods after surviving being thrown from the chopper, and his struggles will get a flashback episode before there is a race by both sides to find him and a melee in the woods.
Jossed. Despite the lack of (most of an onscreen corpse, the season finale seems to confirm he was Dead All Along

Roscoe won't have an impact on the plot of season 2 but she will have a minor appearance in the form of a flashback or voicemail left to Reacher that he never opened

If Swan is Dead All Along, he went out fighting (possibly against A.M.) rather than being captured, tortured, and dropped from the helicopter.
Partly correct. Swan is Dead All Along, and he does try to expose the truth. But not only was he another victim who got dropped from a helicopter, one of his eyes and one finger were taken, so he would be part of a Frame-Up. And A. M. doesn't kill Swan.

Senator Lavoy is being set up as a recurring character (whether a villain or just someone morally gray) for season 3 and possibly beyond rather than just a character for the rest of season 2.
  • Gone Tomorrow, The Affair and Without Fail all feature mysterious senators who could be given an established history with Reacher with limited tweaking to the dialogue, setting, and timeline if those stories are adapted into the show.
  • Probably Jossed, given his arrest in the season finale.
If Persuader is adapted, then in the flashback scenes, Kuhl will either be an ill-fated new recruit for the Special Investigators or her fate will be part of what motivates Reacher to form the Special Investigators.
  • If the former option is used, it might give Special Investigators like Sanchez, Lowrey, and Orozco a chance to shine.

The other four DEA agents besides Duffy, Elliot, and Villanueva will be given expanded roles or Adapted Out in season 3.
