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WMG / Mystery Flesh Pit National Park

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The Permian Basin Superorganism is actually the Earth itself
Think about it. Everything we see about the Pit suggests that it's just one orifice of a much larger organism. And considering how large the Pit itself is—over 200 miles across—that organism must be downright humongous. And the obvious implication to take from that is that the organism the Pit is a part of covers the entire Earth... or is the entire Earth. In other words, the planet Earth is a Genius Loci, and the Flesh Pit is the only place where this is evident.
  • Since the in-universe Sumerian text describes another sighting, it's probably guaranteed.
  • Unless Venus is also one, the existence of one there seems to potentially refute this.

Anodyne's actions weren't simply out of negligence, it was Intentional
The Company's ineptitude is just a disguise for what could probably be a sinister cult. Why would they not pay attention to their equipment or conditions? It was all part of a mass sacrifice. The rain was probably just a spanner in the works but everything from the commercializing and marketing of the Superorganism was just to draw in victims for the pit.

The Abyssal Copepods are actually a type of amalgamation.
The Copepods' hands look eerily humanoid, so perhaps they're an example of a "successful" amalgamation?

Immanis colossi are used by a third party to eliminate life-producing planets.
Tenuous so far, but bear with me:
  • The existence of a second Immanis on another body in the Solar System suggests they aren't native to Earth.
  • The one on Venus is surrounded by hydrazine, a component in rocket fuel, implying transport to or from the planet, maybe both.
  • The inside of the earthbound Immanis is incredibly corrosive, but also compatible with our own lifeforms and can incorporate them into its structure.
  • Earth is still alive; Venus isn't.
