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WMG / Monster Hunter: Rise

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Magnamalo's moveset will draw inspiration from Iori Yagami.
The last time a Fanged Wyvern was the mascot, it drew influence from Terry Bogard as a lone, hungry wolf. Though little's been shown of Magnamalo at this point in time, it does possess purple flames and a strong demonic bent... lining it up quite significantly with a different iconic SNK character.

Magnamalo will feature some sort of Stance System or Hidden Weapons
In the Monster Hunter Direct with the producer and director, they insist that they "can't show it in full yet." And yet not only is the monster on the box art of the game, they even show a full render of it when talking about the Amiibos. Which might imply that while they are fine showing its appearance, they don't want to show all its abilities yet. In addition, there are some differences between the box art and the render, with the box art having large, blade-like fangs and the stinger on its tail open, while the render lacks the fangs and has the stinger on its tail closed. So it might be a case where Magnamalo alters its form to change the properties of its attacks, like opening the stinger on its tail, or even just has additional weapons which are normally hidden, like the fangs.
  • Sorta confirmed. In the second demo, we can see that Magnamalo "activates" different parts of its body, doing stronger attacks with that body part, much like the Hyper mechanic from Generations.

Monsters based off of other yokai
So far, what's been seen is that there are multiple monsters based off of certain Yokai. Aknosom is based on the Karakasa, Tetranadon is based off the Kappa, Great Izuchi is based off the Kamaitachi, and Magnamalo is based off the Oni. Alongside that, there's a Spider which may or may not be based off the Ushi-Oni. So it seems most new monsters will be based off of Yokai. So depending on what happens, there may be a
  • Snake Wyvern based off the Tsuchinoko.
  • Fanged Beast based off the Baku.
  • Fanged Beast/Elder Dragon based off the Kitsune.
    • Mizutsune fits the bill for a Kitsune-themed monster, but is a Leviathan and a returning monster.
  • Elder Dragon based off of Orochi.
  • Fanged Beast based off of the Nue.
  • Bird Wyvern based off of a Tengu.
    • Close. Bishaten is based off the tengu, but it's a Fanged Beast instead of a Bird Wyvern.
  • Leviathan based off of an Umibozu.
    • The Monksnail, while not a fightable monster, takes the role of the Umibozu, being a creature that looks like a massive water drop rising out of the sea with bioluminscent lights on its shell that resemble Glowing Eyes of Doom. Even its name alludes to the yokai, with Umibozu literally meaning "Sea Monk."
So on and so forth.

The unknown monster swooping in at the end of the March 8, 2021 trailer will be the reason behind the Rampage
It would be either because it's extremely dangerous, causing all the other monsters to go Oh, Crap! and run for the hills, a la Fatalis; their escape route just so happens to go through (and over) Kamura. The other possibility is that it has a debilitating effect on the ecosystem, similar to Gore/Shagaru Magala's Frenzy Virus or Shara Ishvalda's high-frequency vibrations.
  • Confirmed. It's Wind Serpent Ibushi, seeking out its mate Thunder Serpent Narwa. The sound frequency of their communication is driving the other monsters crazy.

Returning monsters
  • Nerscylla — To compete with the new Wirebug mechanic.
  • Mizutsune — Due to the Japanese-style new town.
    • Oh fuck yeah he's back!
  • Amatsu — Same as above, and the Wirebugs could provide new ways to attack it.
    • Sunbreak Title Update 5 brought this bad boy back. Can you weather the storm?!
  • Ahtal-Ka — Would fit with the Wirebug theme.
  • Zinogre — Would also fit with the Japanese/youkai theme of this generation's monsters, being based off of a raiju. It would likely come in a potential G/Master Rank expansion, since those tend to bring Zinogre back.
    • Why wait? It's coming with the initial release.
  • Gore/Shagaru Magala — One of the latest trailers showed that Apex Monsters can appear in the Rampage, so it's not too much of a stretch to assume that the Frenzy Virus - and therefore the Magala family of monsters - isn't too far behind.
    • Apex Monsters in this game are not the same as in 4/4U and aren't related to the Frenzy Virus. In Japanese, they even have a different name - Nushi, meaning Boss or Master, rather than Extreme. They're also limited to a very small number of monsters, specifically Arzuros, Rathian, and Mizutsune at release with Rathalos, Diablos and Zinogre planned for the future major updates.
    • Took 'til Sunbreak, but he's coming back. Get your Nulberries ready!
  • Valstrax — The new vertical freedom introduced with this game would pair well with the Argent Comet's battle style of using its wings like jetpacks.
  • Bazelgeuse — There's a suspicious lack of "invader" monsters in this game, so why not bring back the one all the World players dreaded the most?
  • Deviljho — It is stated that Magnamalo uses the Rampage to feed itself, it wouldn't be surprising if this large gathering of monsters sooner or later gets the attention of a very large and MUCH hungrier pickle.

Hot and Cold Drinks still exist in-universe
Your hunter just takes the appropriate one off-screen before the quest starts.

The royal kingdom that Rondine comes from...
It will likely play a bigger role in future updates, possibly becoming the location of the G/Master Rank hub in a theoretical "Ultimate" version.

Alternatively, the "kingdom" she claims to come from is actually the Hunter's Guild, which hasn't really had much presence in this game as all the other NPCs in the game that we've seen are Kamura locals.

  • The Hunter's Guild is treated in-lore as a multi-national organization with various communes, kingdoms, republics, and other nations scattered throughout the world. It's quite likely she's from an actual kingdom. Given the style of her clothing, it's possible there's some connection to Yogomi, who is a long-lost member of a noble family from a distant kingdom as well...
  • Confirmed, well the part about the Kingdom Rondine comes from being where the expansion takes place.
A certain Elder Dragon will be heavily featured in a future content update, story-wise.
More specifically, Amatsu. The reasoning behind this comes from Ibushi and Narwa. They have many similarities, including (but not limited to) all three being Elder Dragons constantly in flight, all three having power over a certain weather phenomenon (Amatsu can control storms, Ibushi creates destructive wind using Dragon energy, and Narwa can summon lightning), and Amatsu having similar elements to both in its design. But that's not the reason I think Amatsu will be featured. At the (current) ending of the Hub quest, after repelling Narwa, she manages to reunite with Ibushi and mate with him, with the implication that she is now pregnant. Thus, when she gives birth, and assuming she gives birth to more than one offspring, one of those will be an Amatsu baby which, much like the story-exclusive Crimson Fatalis in 4U, will quickly mature into an adult, just in time to be given a final boss quest. And thus we will finally learn about the reproduction method of one of the mysterious Elder Dragons. It would also explain why Amatsu has such destructive control over storms, as it is a result of the combination of Ibushi and Narwa's powers. As for the rest of the offspring, they will most likely be half and half between Ibushis and Narwas, which would explain why you could hunt more of them when they finally give you the chance to slay them properly, assuming they do that, which would in and of itself explain why there's always more Amatsus to hunt down in the game.
  • A spinoff of this theory: Rise is a Stealth Prequel to Portable 3rd.
    • Possible though unlikely due to Rise being implied to take place in the Old World but featuring monsters from the New World.

Kagero was the mysterious hunter who brought Yomogi to Kamura as a baby.
Secret NPC dialogue in the game reveals to us that Yomogi the Chef was first brought to Kamura as a baby, leaving her to be raised by the villagers. Yomogi isn't aware of her origins and the only people who truly know of this event are Elder Fugen, Guild Master Hojo and the twins Hinoa and Minoto, plus of course the player and Fukashigi the Informant who tells them about this. It is also said that she was brought to Kamura by a Wyverian hunter who has since never been seen again. However it is possible that the Wyverian who brought baby Yomogi into Kamura might not just be any random stranger after all, but a Wyverian we know quite well who has literally never shown his face in Kamura - Kagero the Merchant.

Kagero's character and past is shrouded in mystery but we find out a few things about him over the course of the main campaign through dialogue with him and other villagers: Firstly, Kagero is not native to Kamura and originally arrived some time ago in a critical condition and his life was saved by Zenchi the Doctor (the Felyne who is seen with him on sale days). Master Hojo is said to have been the one to mentor him when he started his career as a merchant, meaning he was not already a salesman back then before he came to Kamura. Kagero himself lets slip on a few occasions that he likely has knowledge and training with weapons frin the past, and update 2.0 has him challenge the player with a request hunt after which he almost blurts out something implying that it could have been a hunting request that somehow made its way to him but he chose to pass it off to us so he'd never have to take up arms himself again.

Kagero being so determined to leave his past behind him could be more than simply a retiree trying to live a peaceful life. Something big must have happened to cause Kagero to not only retire but also choose to live in anonymity for the rest of his life - like ending up in a foreign rural village in critical condition with a baby in tow. The exact circumstances of why and how he ended up like this and Yomogi's original family are still up in the air, but perhaps it's also linked to Kagero's retirement and decision to keep his face hidden from everyone. Perhaps Kagero is concerned with being recognized in case people link him to the incident and ask uncomfortable questions of not only him but also Yomogi, and he feels it's safer that way.

  • Kagero's face is apparently hidden because he sustained a rather nasty wound to the face which has since turned into a prominent scar, which if corroborated by several of the older members of the village. While he may indeed by the Wyverian who brought Yomogi to the village, his reason for hiding his face is known. It's possible that other members of the village don't know the truth, and while Hojo and Fugen may know for sure who he is, they took the opportunity for the little-known recluse hunter to start a new life unnoticed. For the rest of the villagers, that one hunter just kind of disappeared one day, and a while later a new merchant with quirky habits decided to show up.

The result of Narwa & Ibushi mating in Ver. 3.0

Whatever happens, this will be the True Final Boss of the game. This will play out in one of three ways:

  • A: The Kamura Hunter & company will arrive just before Narwa gives birth/hatches her egg. This newborn serpent will have the combined powers of both its parents and will fight you immediately after being born, much like Xeno'jiiva.
  • B: The Serpents will undergo a Fusion Dance; either a metaphorical one where the two's powers are combined like the Seltas and Seltas Queen, or a literal one where Narwa absorbs Ibushi and powers herself up
  • C: The process of mating will somehow enhance Narwa, either merely by performing the mating rituals with Ibushi or by carrying the baby.
    • It's B. After Ibushi comes to harm, he flees to Narwa, who then eats him and absorbs his powers.

Magnamalo is like Nergigante

... In that it protects the ecosystem from bigger, scarier things than itself.

In the lore of Rise, the Rampage has happened before and (apparently) steamrolled right through a woefully unprepared Kamura Village. Magnamalo was also part of that devastation, but the fact that there were no reports of Ibushi and Narwa indicates that something must have happened so that their mating didn't go off without a hitch. Additionally, Magnamalo creates its hellfire from eating prey, meaning it must feed to grow stronger.

Perhaps Magnamalo fed on the Rampage in order to gain enough power to stop Ibushi and Narwa, or at least prevent most of their offspring from reaching adulthood. This would explain it jumping in to fight Narwa the Allmother after she absorbs Ibushi's power, only to lose. Due to the village being more prepared as well as the Kamura Hunter's interference, it wasn't strong enough to take her on, but with the Hunter's guidance it can still inflict some major damage on her.

This particular Narwa has some form of megalomania

Since Narwa and Ibushi are one of the few monsters that can be considered truly sapient, it would make sense they might have some sort of parallel to human mental disorders. We know from the Relic Records that previous Rampages only lasted temporarily, and previous Narwa and Ibushi couples went their separate ways after the deed was done. Our Narwa, however, declared herself a goddess and made the Rampage last indefinitely in an attempt to Take Over the World, if not the universe, then consumed Ibushi to become the Allmother when he failed to stop the Kamura Hunter. So it's not too much of a stretch to assume she might not be all there.

Narwa doesn't literally absorb Ibushi's powers

Narwa has always have the genes for wind-controlling organs like Ibushi has, it's just those organs are dormant but can be activated by drinking some special chemicals within Ibushi's body, said chemicals will in turn react with chemicals within Narwa's body, activating her wind organs (signified by the bright spots at Narwa's belly) and enhancing her electric organs, allowing her to use wind-based attack and strengthening her electrical attack.

  • Within the Monster Hunter lore, Dragon energy is considered an anomaly to all known science. It is created and manipulated through biological means, but how that comes to be and why it seems to affect certain monsters and their powers, specifically weakening or sealing away their elemental energies, is completely unknown. It also has the unusual ability to cause mutations in living organisms that then get expressed immediately rather than just through their offspring. For example, Deviljho is said to have eaten so many Elder Dragon corpses that the gradual accumulation of Dragon energy over its lifetimes gives it the ability to use Dragon energy itself. So Narwa absorbing Ibushi's Dragon energy doesn't stand out as odd in-setting. It's more likely that the male and female members of their species express genes differently, and that by absorbing Ibushi's Dragon energy she was able to activate the variation that she normally lacks. Having it triggered by an unknown chemical within Ibushi's body would actually be more complicated and less in-line with similar abilities seen in other monsters.

The hypothetical G/Master Rank expansion will introduce serpentine dragons with power over fire and ice.

We've already seen the water-based Amatsu from Portable 3rd, the wind-based Ibushi that can also use the dragon element, and the thunder-based Narwa. So if such an expansion were to happen, or even just a totally different Monster Hunter game directed by Ichinose in a future generation or as a spinoff, it would follow that there will be two more similar dragons that use fire and ice to complete the elemental pentalogy.

  • Jossed, the closest thing we get to this is Aurora Somnacanth and Magma Almudron, and even then, they're just apex-tier leviathans.

The G/Master/Ultimate rank will take place in Rondine's country.

Minoto believes that many foreign countries will seek out Kamura Hunter after their work in stopping the Rampage is finished. Rondine and her company has revealed that her Queen is interested in inviting Kamura Hunter over. It is possible that the expansion will be about the Hunter receiving quests from the Queen herself.

  • The preview for Sunbreak shows an unknown Elder Dragon shows it landing on European-inspired ruins, which could be seen as solid evidence that it will involve this much-hinted kingdom.
  • The newest trailer from The Game Awards 2021 has the player being escorted by Rondine's sister to a new location named Elgado which appears to have a more European aesthetic. She does however refer to Elgado as an outpost, meaning it might not necessarily be located in their home kingdom (although it's also possible to have outposts within one's own country that are stationed far away from the main military base, such as in remote areas or coastlines like Elgado is shown to occupy).
  • Confirmed when Sunbreak released.

Orb of Origin is actually a fertilized Narwa egg.

As per its description, "Within this jewel from the Allmother dance father wind and mother lightning", it has the essence of both Ibushi and Narwa, what shapes like an orb and has the essence of both parents? A newly fertilized egg that hasn't the chance yet to form an embryo. Also it refers to Ibushi and Narwa as father and mother, respectively.

Lunagaron will be like a reverse werewolf.
Following the intuition that Sunbreak may feature monsters inspired by Western monster mythology and folklore, Lunagaron might feature a homage to classic Wolf Man takes on werewolves by gaining a new form in its Turns Red phase where it stands on its hind legs and adopts a two-legged stance (compare like the primate or ursid Fanged Beasts). Some have noted its five-digit forepaws and the way its introductory poem in the trailer refers to a 'true form' revealed by the moon to support this possibility. And while the 'true form' may simply be referring to how Lunagaron appears to be able to create ice crystal-like 'fur' and change its appearance, it would be a fun surprise for it to suddenly Hulk Out and stand up mid-fight with a completely different fighting style.
  • Confirmed. The March 2022 Digital Event shows that Lunagaron goes on its hind legs when enraged.
Malzeno will have some sort of hypnosis-esque ailment/ability.
In the first reveal, the Rathalos is seen following some red lights (presumably Malzeno's symbionts) before getting eaten. In the March 2022 Digital Event, Fiorayne smells something, and the symbionts are circling above her and the hunter, only for Malzeno to appear from above, along with a red powder that Malzeno might be fanning onto her. In the next shot, she seems to be drowsily walking towards Malzeno before the hunter shoves her out of the way of Malzeno. Also while the event explains part of the plot of the expansion, "Monster Abnormalities" is shown in quotes on screen, so Malzeno is probably behind that too.
  • Jossed. Malzeno's only two ailments are dragonblight and bloodblight.
The final boss of Sunbreak will be based off of the Devil.
Given how the new monsters shown so far all are themed after Western monsters (Malzeno being an Elder Dragon based off a vampire, the Lunagaron being based off of a werewolf, Garangolm being based off of Frankeinstein's monster/a golem), it only seems natural that the main ED which is causing the whole mess seen in the story would be the greatest monster of Western mythos, the Devil itself.
  • Confirmed. The final boss, Gaismagorm, is called the Archdemon of the Abyss and is essentially Satan as an Elder Dragon.

Fukashigi's methods of gathering information are different in Kamura and in Elgado
In Kamura, you'll notice that when he speaks to you, he has this pose where he looks like he's trying to sneak his way alongside a wall, giving the implication that he gathers his intel through clandestine means (i.e. without being detected at all), possibly through methods like eavesdropping. But in Elgado, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"; he sits leisurely in a cozy chair with a cup of tea when you talk to him, making him seem more like he gathers his intel covertly by posing as a local and using Social Engineering to learn more about the people around him.
