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WMG / Gravity Falls – Mystery Shack

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Loyal employees (and pets) of the Mystery Shack and frequent backup for the Pines twins.

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     Jesus Alzamirano "Soos" Ramirez 
Soos is Jesus Christ.
Think about it: Handyman, his name is Jesus, hasn't seen his father but still loves him dearly, sacrifices his own desires for those of others, infinite pizza (miraculous food) and instant healing (both in "Blendin's Game" and mentioned either here or on the Awesome page, I can't remember which)

Soos's father
is the author. Why not? It's about time a different author theory popped up, so it may as well be this one. In 'Blendin's Game', the number of postcards from different places all over the country from Soos's dad maybe a subtle clue. After all, Mc Gucket did say the author was a visiting researcher. And considering our suspect's nature, it makes a good theory.
  • Need to argue this point, since Soos' father was definitely painted as nothing more than a jerk that abandoned his son, where even Gruncle Stan can have moments of warmth and love. And Stan's twin was the author.
  • Jossed it's Stanford Pines, Grunkle Stan's twin brother.

Soos will be revealed as the Big Bad.
His Idiot Man Child persona is likely a bit of Obfuscating Stupidity, especially since Dipper says in the first episode that Soos is usually right. Unlike some of the other characters, he has rat-like teeth, a possible hint at a duplicitous nature. And was his discovery of the Wax figures the fortuitous accident he claimed, or was he actually looking for something else, such as Stan's secret vending machine entrance?
  • According to one of the Bill cryptograms in Rumble's Revenge, "the handyman knows more than you think." Who else could the handyman be but Soos?
  • Jossed, it's Bill Cipher

Soos was right.
The mailman will really turn out to be a werewolf, or were-something.

Soos is short for Jesus.
Pronounced the Spanish way, of course (hay-SOOS).
  • This is confirmed in storyboards from the 2nd episode.
  • Confirmed
    • The 7th episode also has Pacifica refer to Soos as Jorge (pronounced hor-hay).

Soos is the stepson (or at least is an adoptive son) of Grunkle Stan.
That's why Soos put on Stan's fez and said "One day,". This was mentioned before in this forum, but this explains some other stuff.
  • "Loyal apprentice who dreams of becoming the master" is a trope that's as old as the hills. It's also more common that the apprentice is not the master's son. If they are related, they're usually an uncle/nephew pairing at the closest.
  • Soos is the only character that calls Stan "Mr. Pines." This rules out Soos being Stan's son, but if Stan's ex married Stan and Soos was told to call Stan "Mr. Pines", that might explain it.
  • Soos is the oldest and most faithful employee of the Mystery Shack. Perhaps Stan hired his stepson when he created the Shack.
  • In "Summerween", The cashier yells "The Pines Family is getting away!" Soos probably would be called out separately. However, if she had known Stan and Soos when Stan served as only Soos's guardian, she might not have known Soos as being seperate.
    • Not necessarily. wouldn't say "The Smith Family and that one guy who technically isn't a relative but always hangs out with them to the point where he's considered family", 'd just say "The Smith Family". Especially if you're in a hurry.
  • Unlike Wendy, Soos has never been shown as going to the Shack. Maybe he lives there.
    • Then logically, wouldn't the kids call him "Uncle Soos"? Or at least mention it?
      • Not necessarily. Some kids just call their aunt or uncle by their first name.
  • Soos is revealed to live with his grandmother in "Gideon Rises." However, my personal theory is that Soos's parents died when he was young, had to move in with her, and has ever since. After his parents died, his boss, Stan, became his surrogate father figure. This is supported if the Gravity Falls Gossiper podcast interviewing Grunkle Stan is canon by Stan stating that Soos has worked at the Shack ever since it opened when Soos was twelve.
  • I always assumed his father had passed away since his grandma kept glancing to the floor in the scene where she brought Soos dinosaur cookies in the same way she did when she mentioned Soos' grandfather and how he wasn't in heaven.
  • Jossed. Soos's father left him when he was very young as seen in Blendin's Game.

Soos, one way or another, is involved with Gravity Falls' secret.
I know this might be obvious...but when think about it, Soos seems to have some knowledge on certain things, or isn't too surprised by the supernatural activity in Gravity Falls. Some examples:
  • He didn't seem surprised when Rumble McSkirmish was released from the video game and when he was rampaging throughout town.
  • He didn't seem too surprised when he saw the fake Gobblewonker.
  • He believed Dipper about Norman being a "zombie".
  • He knew about the Summerween Trickster.
  • He didn't seem too freaked out when Gideon shrunk him in Little Dipper.
And many more examples that could come up in the future. Overall, I know Soos may not be that intelligent... but deep down, could his man-child personality be an act? It can't be a coincidence he isn't surprised by all of these things.
  • It's established that many of the citizens of Gravity Falls seem to be aware of the weird stuff that goes on. Doesn't disprove the WMG that Soos knows some secrets, though.

Soos is fantastically wealthy.
And there will be an episode where he invites Dipper and Mabel to his home and they find it's full of cool toys and geek stuff. Yet he thinks that none of it compares to the Mystery Shack, and works there because it was the most fun he ever had as a kid and he wants to repay Stan for the good times. However, he keeps his wealth a secret from Stan because he thinks the shoddy look is part of the charm, so Stan just thinks Soos is a weirdo that doesn't mind not being paid.Averted as of "Gideon Rises." He lives with his Abuelita in a run-down (but sweet) little house. If they're fantastically wealthy, they're also fantastically good at hiding it.
  • Jossed.

Soos will make a Heroic Sacrifice.
His name is Jesús and he talked about being a side character who gets killed.
  • When Bill talks about a darkness approaching which will change everything they care about, Soos's symbol is the first and last to glow.
  • He's a handyman. How much you wanna bet he knows carpentry?

Soos is a Bigfoot.
In the opening sequence there is a section with trees casting shadows, and an image of a man flashes. When frozen, it resembles Soos. Soos probably wanted to live like the humans did, or was tired of being chased after, so he shaved off all of his hair except for his head hair, which resembles the color of bigfoot hair.
  • If you watch carefully the bigfoot appears to be chasing something...its a blur, but so is the Soosfoot...
  • Or he doesnt know he's a bigfoot if he did he'd be bragging
  • Most likely trying to keep it a secret. "Trust no one." Not to mention he would HAVE to know, if his hair kept growing back all over his body. Everywhere.
  • He does seem to really like the dream of eating his friends in the stinger to "Fight Fighters", so that might be a hint of him originating as some sort of man-eating monster. Plus, there's time he actually eats a sentient creature during Summerween.
    • In "Soos and the Real Girl" he refers to himself as "a Soos" while flirting. Perhaps Soos is a species name.

Soos knows more about the books and/or the strangeness in Gravity Falls that he lets on.
The cryptograms in the Rumble's Revenge game foreshadow the appearance of Bill and certain events of the season finale. (such as Gideon looking for the other books) One cryptogram that has yet to come true is "The handyman knows more than you think". Now, Soos seems to view Stan as a father figure and is willing to keep secrets for him. (such as in "Dreamscaperers", when Stan told him why he's so hard on Dipper. Soos never tells Dipper even as Dipper gets more and more upset and even gives up on Stan) It could be that Soos knows about the book, or the secret society that was mentioned in another cryptogram. (one that has also yet to come true)

Soos' name will be significant because it's a palindrome.
Considering how important the idea of backwards messages and mirror images are in this show, Soos' name being the same backwards and forwards will make him immune to something. Especially if that something is a power of Bill Cipher's: he only seems to know individuals by their sigil on the wheel until he hears someone else say their name, and no one ever calls Soos by his full first name.

Soos will have his own episode next season
And it will be a parody of SCP – Containment Breach
  • A recent update at the wiki does show that Soos will have his own episode this season, called "Soos and the Real Girl". The second part is jossed though.

Soos And The Real Girl will end on a massive tearjerker
Through Season 1 and the early episodes of 2, Soos has been mostly a man-child character with a great personality but little in the way of actual development. This episode might not only show his first relationship, but also his first heartbreak, one he doesn't just brush off. He has finally met a girl who he can like, and one that might even like him, only to have her taken away by Dipper's obsession with find the truth. This, possibly, could tie in with previous WMGs about what Soos knows, and possibly a betrayal against the Pines and the Shack.
  • Thankfully jossed.
  • ...But they make a reference to how much Growing Up Sucks, which seems to be the message of this theory. I'm telling you, guys, someone who writes for the show reads this page!
    • If that's true, how do we know it isn't YOU? Only the writer would know if a writer used this site!

There will be an episode titled "Doctor Soos"
It doesn't have to be a Dr. Seuss parody... it just has to have that title... Otherwise it would be a major missed opportunity.
  • Actually it's correctly pronounced [ZOWS] but then there's no reason the producers would know this either and nobody would really care anyway.
  • Jossed.

Soos will die to save everyone.
His name is Jesús, he's a handyman, he's good with kids. Natch.
  • In Mabel's Guide to Dating, he does say he's the perfect man while heavenly light shines on him and doves land on his arms.
  • Jossed

Soos' Grandfather isn't up with the angels because he's still alive.
Soos' Grandmother just doesn't know quite how to break it to Soos that he left them.
  • The way his Abuala was looking down he may be locked in the basement.

Soos wrote the books
And he had his memory of writing them erased by the Society of the Blindeye. He must have had his memory erased so much that he became something of an idiot (not unlike McGucket). The six-fingered glove might be large enough to fit Soos.
  • Not possible, as Soos is only in his 20s, while the journals were written at least 30 years ago.
  • Jossed it's Stanford Pines, Grunkle Stan's twin brother.

Soos's dad died in Hurricane Katrina
Let's start with the fact that he was living in New Orleans. If the episode takes place in the year it aired, that would mean the flashback was 2004, a year before Katrina hit. There was no further indication that Soos got anymore postcards from his dad after that, and he doesn't seem to know where he is now. It's possible that he died in Hurricane Katrina, but his grandmother didn't tell him because she felt like he wasn't worth it.
  • But I thought that this show is set in the summer of 2012? And I thought that the backstory took place in 2002?

Soos's infinite pizza will play an important role in the season finale.
It may seem like a throw-away gag now, but the writers will/have already found some kind of brilliant writing that will make it useful. It'll probably even save Mabel/Dipper/Soo's life at some point.
  • Possibly. Considering all of this piling evidence that Soos is some sort of Jesus-like figure. Died and came back to life, pretty darn innocent, his name is the Spanish equivalent of Jesus, never see his father, and now he has very little food that could feed many, many people.
    • Unfortunately Jossed.

Soos' dad is Stan's twin
He disappeared through the portal just before, or just after, Soos was born. Stan feels bad about his nephew growing up without a father, thus sends the postcards on Soos' birthday every year, as it's the best way to explain things without fully explaining things. It's also the reason Stan's kept Soos employed for so long.
  • But isn't Jesus' last name Ramirez, not Pines?
    • He could have taken his grandmother's last name.
  • Jossed

Soos' father had nothing to do with anything in Gravity Falls.
Heading off the inevitable flood of guesses about Soos' father, I propose he is what Abuelita says he is; a deadbeat who can't even be bothered to care for his own child's birthday. He had nothing to do with the portal or journals, he knows nothing about the strange nature of Gravity Falls as a whole, and above all else, doesn't deserve to know the Soos that we know.
  • This guy. I'm with this guy.

Soos and the Real Girl will be a parody of Idoru/Her
So far the only screencap we have is of Soos playing what looks like a dating sim. If I had to guess, the titular "real girl" is one of the characters in the game who has achieved sapience and desires to be "real" however, unlike Rumble, she cannot easily escape her medium and Soos will bond with her in the process of freeing her.
  • Confirmed!
  • No, not confirmed. The "real girl" was an actual girl that Soos was trying to date after meeting Giffany. The title is a reference to the film, Lars and the Real Girl, which features a man named Lars "dating" a fake girl before growing confident enough to date a real girl he hits it off with. And...none of that about Giffany wanting to be real and forming a bond with Soos as he tries to free her happened.
Soos was expecting to see Jennifer Aniston in Stan's mind
I'd say she qualifies as a "hot old lady".

Soos will be the next Mr. Mystery.
  • Confirmed! Stan passes the baton to him in the finale!

Soos's dad never wrote any of those postcards.
His abuelita did. Every year, Soos invites his dad, and every year, she knows he won't show up, though Soos keeps believing he will until the very last second. So she writes a postcard to try and take the edge off (better to crush his hopes than give him false hope, right?), but doesn't "send" it (or give it to the mailman and ask him to give it to Soos) until it's very clear that Soos's dad is not coming, to give him one more chance to get his act together. It would also explain why the postcard showed up on Soos's birthday, and not, say, a couple days after.

Soos's parents were never married

It explains why he takes his Grandmother's last name, who is probably from his mother's side, and why his dad isn't connected with him.

Soos's mother is dead.
Just to explain why he was raised by his abuelita. My guess is Death by Childbirth.

Soos's mother knew Soos's dad was a slimeball, and had Soos take her last name instead of his.
Explains why Soos has a white father, but has a Hispanic last name. (This would make his grandmother his mother's mom.)

Soos has a rare/odd eye color (possibly heterochromia), but he wears colored contacts so that his eyes would look more normal
That's why Soos' true eye color is "a mystery, dude!"

The guy in the Candy Monster short wasn't Soos

He was convincing, but there's one major clue: when he mistakes the monster for Stan, he addresses it as 'Grunkle Stan'. Soos never calls him that anywhere else in the series; just 'Mr Pines'. The kids were so distracted with trying to catch the monster that they failed to notice their friend had been bodyswapped.

     Wendy Corduroy 
Wendy will have a Heroic Blue Screen of Death next time something paranormal happens around her
In the first season, she was almost killed by ghosts, horrified by Soos speaking in the body of Mabel's pig and was being mind controlled by Robbie into being in love with him. Sooner or later those incidents are going to take their toll on the poor girl and drive her to a breaking point. It will take all the Mystery Shack to help her snap out of it.
  • Subverted. She handles herself quite well in the second example.
  • Jossed by "Into the Bunker".

Wendy is not as old as she claims she is.
Wendy is/was freakishly tall and has been for quite a while, as shown in "Double Dipper". It's not unreasonable to suppose she may be a year or two younger then she claims she is. Which, incidentally, means Dipper might have a better shot with her then he thinks.
  • However, Alex Hirsch claims that Wendy and Robbie were in the same class in elementary school, suggesting that they are the same age, and that she IS in fact as old as she claims to be.
  • Wendy is 15, she is just unusually tall (and still growing) due to her "freak lumberjack genes."

Wendy is based on the creator's wife.
Wendy, according to the Trivia page, is based on someone that the creator, Alex Hirsch, knows. I believe it may be his wife. Of course he hasn't said who she's based on yet; that would be a massive spoiler if Wendy and Dipper ever got together at/near the end of the series.
  • The trivia page says she's based on a girl he had a crush on growing up, don't know how accurate that is though.
    • Rumor has it she's based on Lauren Faust, who he apparently did have a crush on in art school, but I have no means to confirm or deny this.

Wendy is a siren and the old gnome queen
She impressed the gnomes, and the gnomes decided to marry her. However, she was found by Robbie and plucked out of the forest, and so she decided to try to undermine the Mystery Shack and isolate the magical thing there. The gnomes wound up using Wendy as a model for Norman. Also, Dipper said he doesn't trust big hair and was right, so why should he trust Wendy?
  • Jossed. Her father is normal lumberjack.

Wendy's family is ridiculously wealthy
But she hides it because she wants her friends to like her for who she is.
  • Jossed.

Wendy is secretly a yuki-onna or a water demon

Wendy is theorized to be what the bag of ice that on the cipher wheel represents. This is assumed because she is frequently near ice (The water cooler on the roof, the ice freezer at the convenience store, the snow cone at the fair, eating ice cream with deeper) she is supposed to be "cool" (she is often never fazed by anthing and Dipper and Mabel look up to her) That and combined with as of now (end of season 1) we don't know much about her history, some assume that she might have some kind of paranormal relation to water, ice or cold.

Why is Wendy so perfect?
She's some kind of experiment. Maybe she's made to be the perfect "lumberjack", only because the survival skills and axe abilities of a lumberjack translate somewhat interestingly into being a super-soldier. Wendy's mother isn't around because it's possible the process of breeding a super-soldier isn't very kind of the mother's body.
  • Then where do her little brothers come from? Are they all her half-brothers?

Wendy will fight back in the season finale.
She'll get her dad to kick Gideon's ass since she hates him as much as Soos and the Pines do.
  • Maybe some sort of Call-Back to her "I hate it when guys fight" line from Fight Fighters?
  • Sorry dudes, Jossed, at least for Season 1.
    • Confirmed in Season 2. She's one of the ones leading the fight against Bill.

Wendy is actually a really important Barrier Maiden or Apocalypse Maiden
Think about it: if Robbie is in on the big conspiracy- as many theories above state- then there must be a reason he's constantly gunning for Wendy, getting desperate enough to use Mind Control to try and win her over. Then, we see his pathetic efforts to win her back after she dumps him. Why is he SO desperate for WENDY in particular? She's either important to the conspiracy in some way, or little things like the continued existence of life on Earth. And eventually, there'll be an episode where she finds out about this, and Dipper will have to pull a Big***Heroes moment to save her.

Possible foreshadowing in the Bill AMA
In the Bill AMA on Reddit, Bill said "Wendy's a pushover!" This could mean either she will let Bill possess her at some point or someone will push her off a high place, possibly to her death.
  • Subverted. She has been constantly kicking butt and being a very competant fighter, though we're not sure what Bill means. She DOES succumb to the bubble Mabel is trapped in so perhaps she may have something vulnerable in her mind.

Wendy is aromantic.
Her attitude towards romantic relationships has been consistently apathetic — she seems completely oblivious to Dipper and Robbie's affections until they explicitly spell it out for her, and doesn't appear to have any concern over the many dates she's dumped. She may even actively dislike romance, given that she appears to value platonic friendship a great deal but alienates Robbie as soon as he tries to push for a Relationship Upgrade. (And once he finally gets over her, she's very quick to go back to being friends.) I think the best evidence for this, though, is to contrast Wendy and Mabel's behaviors in "Society of the Blind Eye". Though both characters have similarly poor experience with relationships, Mabel spends the entire series angsting over it while Wendy barely ever talks about romance until Mabel brings it up — at which point it's just to say "Yeah, relationships sure do suck!" This reaction would be strange if she had romantic inclinations and just had trouble finding the right person, like Mabel, but would be perfectly consistent with her not having any romantic inclinations in the first place.
  • This wouldn't explain why she was really hurt with Robbie and what happened between them. As for Dipper, she does find out and while admitting to being very flattered, says she is too old for him.
    • Her breakdown over Robbie seemed more tied to the lying and manipulation he did, and even that she got over pretty quickly — much more quickly than he did.

Wendy will age-regress.
She says "I would give [i]anything[/i] to be 12 again." in "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future".
  • Jossed—and nearly inverted using Dipper. A fake Wendy in Mabel's prison bubble suggested Dipper age up so that they can be together, but he quickly realized it was just the bubble messing with him.

Wendy is the reason Stan lost everything in "Boss Mabel".
  • After learning about the bet seeing what her lollygagging was costing Mabel, she secretly dialed the producers of Cash Wheel (who could not have been happy about Stan acing every round) and "suggested" to them the one word literally not in Stan's vocabulary. It's possible any of the others could've done this too, but Mabel seemed to genuinely expect Stan the winner, Dipper usually isn't that devious, and Soos... tends to be a little blind to people's faults, especially the closest thing he has to a dad.

    Waddles the Pig 
Waddles the Pig is the key to unlock the secrets of Gravity Falls.
  • Well, he was being sold by a guy at Stan's carnival. Going with the "Stan knows everything" theory, maybe Waddles and Mable really were meant to be together.
    • The show came close to this in "Little Gift Shop of Horrors," but subverted it at the last second. So, Jossed.
  • Waddles is an OWCA agent.

Waddles is represented on the wheel of symbols.
He's the bag of ice via the way Wendy's black eye was treated in all the timelines where Mabel and Waddles got together.
  • Jossed. Wendy is the ice pack.

Pacifica would have taken good care of Waddles.
Mabel, Waddles, and the audience just assume Pacifica would mistreat or eat Waddles because we know her as an Alpha***, but we don't know that for sure. It's entirely possible Pacifica thought Waddles was cute and wanted a pet, just like Mabel, but didn't try to win him at that moment because she didn't want her friends to know she likes "ugly" or "dirty" farm animals. So at some point in Pacifica got away from her friends and went to win Waddles, but since Mabel got him she got a chicken instead. Both Waddles and the chicken don't like her, implying it's because she's evil, but she could just have bad luck with animals.

Waddles is the author.
  • Think about it ever since he has joined the show when something important happens he's there and the shapeshifter said that the author hasn't been himself in 30 years... you can't be yourself that much if you became a pig.
  • Jossed. The author is Stan's twin brother, Ford.

"F" is short for "Fifteen Poundie".
AKA Waddles. (I don't really believe it, but it would be rather funny.)
  • Jossed. The F was for Fiddleford.

Waddles is the mastermind behind Gravity Falls.
Everything that has happened in the series has done so according to his plans. This may or may not involve the 4th wall.
  • Alternatively, he's either the Big Bad, or Big Good, and the series is him playing a game of Xanatos Speed Chess with an as of yet unknown opponent. We'll find this out when it's most beneficial to at least one player.

     Gompers the Goat 
The goat that appears every now and then will turn out to be important.
Because nobody suspects the Gompers the Goat. Also, Gompers was looking right at the panel concealing book 3 when it opened, and soon after tried to take the book, or eat it. The llama symbol on the Cipher wheel may be a stylized goat.

Bill Cipher is using Gompers to spy on the Mystery Shack.
  • Because 1) Gompers is often around when something supernatural is happening, and 2) it has yellowish eyes with black slits for pupils much like Bill!Dipper
    • But goat eyes are like that naturally.

The goat rules over everything.
