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WMG / Bray Wyatt

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The Fiend is the demon that possessed Husky Harris, finally brought out into the open.
Ever since his first appearance on NXT, Bray has very gradually become more and more of an Eldritch Abomination, as though whatever force possessing him has slowly either become more powerful, taken deeper control of him, or both, resulting in his slow slide from an unsettling, but ultimately mortal cultist hillbilly to the unknowable, supernaturally-empowered Eater of Worlds. It stands to reason, therefore, that this most recent persona is the manifestation of the demon itself, a being that can seamlessly swap between the guise of an Affably Evil children's show host and the very personification of hope-snuffing eldritch terror.

Husky Harris's originally made a Deal with the Devil to keep himself alive, resulting in The Fiend using him as a host and turning him into Bray Wyatt.
  • The punt kick he took from Randy Orton rendered him brain-dead and he 'resurrected' as Wyatt. And that might have been the end of it because all the Fiend needed was a vessel (alluded to in a Twitter post years back). But then, a series of events resulted in Harris' body being in mortal danger again. (Getting thrown into a lake while wounded and semi-conscious tends not to end well.) The Fiend had to exert even more of its power to keep Bray/Husky alive a second time. At first the Fiend was just influencing Bray but now it's become obvious that The Fiend has become the true form while the Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher talk show host is the mask. Everyone had better hope that body doesn't need saving a third time...

Bray Wyatt has Multiple Personality Disorder
Bray Wyatt has struggled with multiple personalities all his life, caused by the abuse at his father’s hands. After he burned down his dad’s shrimp boat and killed him, he was institutionalised and eventually managed to create the stable yet also weak and hapless “Husky Harris” personality. When he was released he became a wrestler and joined the Nexus. The trauma of his experiences with them, and Randy Orton’s attack created a new, more psychotic personality which called itself “Bray Wyatt”, and managed to assemble a cult of followers. Initially dominant, the cult leader personality gradually lost its grip from repeated losses in the WWE, and the “Sister Abigail” splinter persona developed to try to protect the others, but also failed. He joined up with Broken Matt Hardy hoping Matt could teach him how to manage his madness, but when that didn’t work either, Bray checked himself back into the asylum he grew up in. In the asylum, the doctors taught him to “control” and “harness” his inner darkness, which created the seemingly sane and friendly, but secretly conniving and sinister, kids show host personality, but, unbeknownst to them, also created another personality as a repository for his most evil impulses- the Fiend. Kids show host Bray was able to convince the doctors he was cured and get himself declared sane and released, while secretly allied with the Fiend.
  • The puppets are his previous alters, who are now consigned to voices in his head and not allowed to control the body as punishment for their “failure”. Whenever he argues with his puppets, he’s actually arguing with himself. Huskus is Husky Harris, Mercy is the old Wyatt Family Bray Wyatt, Abby is Sister Abigail.
    • Who is Rambling Rabbit? He’s the original personality: Windham Rotunda, son of Captain Mike Rotunda.

The Firefly Fun House is full of the Fiend's former victims
The Fiend is clearly some sort of demonic presence. The only other characters who have messed with the arena's effects like that in all of WWE have been guys like The Undertaker and Kane, beings of similarly dark origins and powers, and the Fiend manipulates the effects around him perhaps even more than they did. If it is to be believed that the Fiend is the same demonic presence who's always been behind the Bray Wyatt persona, we could assume from various quotes by Bray Wyatt on Twitter and one direct mention in a video by "Broken" Matt Hardy that the demon in question is Samael, but there's nothing proving that it isn't some even bigger demon who hijacked Samael's plan to steal souls for themselves. When Seth Rollins entered the Firefly Fun House to "burn it down," Bray Wyatt's response on Twitter implied that only the dead could find the place; this implies that it's some sort of afterlife. The sign hung on the Firefly Fun House's door, "Abandon all hope ye who exit here", makes a direct reference to The Divine Comedy, specifically linking that door to the gates of Hell. Thus we have a cosmic location for the Fun House: a place of torment within the afterlife, a "Limbo" as Abby the Witch referred to it, but somewhere just outside the explicit Hell. We also know that at least some of the puppets in the Firefly Fun House represent someone who had previously lived, due to Abby the Witch begging Bray Wyatt to let her rest, so let your fellow Troper venture a guess that the Firefly Fun House puppets are those who made a Deal with the Fiend, and wound up bound to him forever:
  • Abby the Witch: Sister Abigail, implied by the name.
  • Huskus the Pig: Husky Harris, the original wrestler whose body the Fiend has been inhabiting for years; probably the newest arrival, considering that his mortal habit of gluttony hasn't been entirely forgotten by now.
  • Mercy the Buzzard: Waylon Mercy, the character who inspired Bray Wyatt; the name also implies this, as well as Mercy the Buzzard's use of "You know what I mean?", and gives a hint that ultimately something else was inside Dan Spivey's body while he was portraying that gimmick, and took a bit of the man with him to the other side. Mercy is only a head, usually inhabiting a box, because his corruption and damnation were incomplete: Dan Spivey only portrayed Waylon Mercy for a relatively brief time before retiring, and is still among the living, thus only a part of his soul was dragged down by the Fiend's presence.
  • Ramblin' Rabbit: A poor fool who got taken in by the Fiend's deal. He's the one most likely to rebel against his damnation, but between Bray Wyatt (who by now is always under the control of the Fiend, even when not wearing the mask or bathed in red light) and Waylon Mercy the Buzzard, he always gets eaten before he can fully admit it.
  • Vince McMahon: He first comes in from outside the Firefly Fun House, which is hinted by the sign to be Hell by the beginning of the next episode, with a flame effect and devil horns, and even Bray Wyatt, by now a demonic being, refers to him as "Boss". Most likely, Vince McMahon is, and always has been, nothing short of Satan himself.
