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Video Game / Kofi

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Kofi Quest: Alpha Mod is an RPG/RTS game set in the world of Kofi, taking place some time after its third season. It had a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2019, and was released for PC in late January 2020, with a Nintendo Switch port planned for a 2022 release.

While Kofi and the kids from Startville are enjoying their quiet and boring lives, they happen upon a mysterious guy dressed in red claiming to have lost a bottle. The kids of the Shelter and Kofi undertake this quest thinking it will be easy, but things will not quite go as expected...


  • April Fools' Day: When playing the game on April 1st, the player can encounter a unique type of enemy that looks like a bush with eyes.
  • The Minion Master: Kofi receives a War Horn at the start of the game, and is able to compensate for his low stats by summoning children, animals, and other soldiers to fight for him. However, he needs Motivation Points in order to grow his army.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond:
    • For other adventurers, Kofi is a Noob who is unable to move forward, but since is surrounded by children, he is strong enough to be chosen captain.
    • The inhabitants of the alpha world compared to the normal world. This goes to the point that a shrimp from the alpha world can be considered a dangerous enemy in the normal world.
  • Shout-Out: Some of the NPCs are direct references to other works, such as Spider of Time, Shovel Spider, and Ugly Bird Rider.
  • You Are Number 6: All of the human and elf kids in Kofi's village are given names, with one exception, who is only identified as "Human Kid 12".
