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Tropers / The Mighty Grape

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Abandon hope ye all who enter here... the Oubliette of The Mighty Grape. Look behind you, and twixt your line of vision - thus! A closing door, without a handle for release, a lock to unimpede; look, she closes, and on't, I fear, a grim note deliver'd from her definitive slam; an impromptu derailment of thine fate upon my dubious bosom, weary traveller. An egress, lamentably, seems beyond physical reason, at least, for now. Swallow hard, mince tall, and enter my domain...

OH, FIGS TO IT. Come in, come in, can I offer you tea? Many's the time I have whiled away a weekend on this wretched black hole of time. That's the sexy kind of 'wretched', by the way. Making that clear.

I am UK troper who has been studying English and Drama for the past five or six years. I'm a hopeful writer / playwright and singer. I sound like Andrew Roachford, and can do a bang-on impression of Tony Jay. I'm 23 at present, and definitely not wise beyond my years. Hopefully the following contextual resources may aid you in comprehending who you're dealing with.

I am prone to the following tropes, some proudly; others begrudgingly.

And he is an unscrupulous pursuer of the following TV shows...

... and my favourite tropes...

More to come. I hope.

