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Tropers / Starlit Ocean

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Hi there. I'm a troper from the UK who loves this site to bits and is probably addicted to it. I'm not so great at describing myself, so I've left that to the trope list at the bottom of this page.

I originally found my way to TV Tropes entirely by accident (I think I linked here from some article about Buffy); I was here for years before I felt comfortable enough to start contributing. Mostly, I just add entries for my favourite shows. I've yet to start any articles of my own, due to equal parts laziness and lack of confidence in my writing skills. I also tend not to make large edits for the same reason.

I like sci-fi and fantasy in general, and I'm a huge fan of Joss Whedon's shows (particularly Buffy). I'm also an anime fan - in fact, I only got into anime after reading so much about it on TV Tropes, so thank you all for that.

This page is still under construction. Which is proceeding very slowly has been abandoned for some time.

Things I like (incomplete):

Tropes that apply to me (even more incomplete):
  • Bi The Way: I'm pretty certain I'm bisexual. It's hard to understand how it could have taken me until last year to realise it (when looking back, it's actually been reasonably obvious for a long time) - I suppose I'm just dense that way.
  • Covert Pervert
  • Does Not Understand Sarcasm: I don't always fail to understand it, but it happens with some regularity.
  • Embarrassing First Name: An odd example in that most people wouldn't consider it embarrassing at all, but I strongly dislike being called by my full first name and will only answer to the abbreviated version.
  • Entry Pimp: Mainly for Buffy.
  • Hollywood Atheist: Averted - I have plenty of good reasons for not believing in a higher power.
  • Nerd: Or Geek. Or whatever; I'm not sure what the distinction between the two is. But I'm socially inept, watch a lot of sci-fi and anime, play Dungeons And Dragons, know a lot about topics that are of no practical use, and...yeah.
  • No Sense of Direction: Like you would not believe.
  • Self-Deprecation
  • Serial Tweaker
  • Shrinking Violet: I'm quite introverted, and have a lot of difficulty talking to new people or socialising in general. Getting slightly better, though.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: I used to be firmly cynical, but I'm starting to slide in the idealistic direction.

