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Tropers / Kittium

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A Kittium is a species of indoor plant found growing in warm, tropical areas with low light levels. It can be found in shades of pink, purple, red, or blonde. Thriving in dark, damp environments, it rarely grows outside of the cluttered bedroom it has caged itself away in.

Or it may just be a rather weird sub-species of author.

The latter is an avid fan of books, movies, and television alike. Her favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy, sci-fi fantasy, and sitcoms that everyone else was into 10 to 20 years ago. In particular, she seems to really, really, really have a thing for over-the-top mad scientists, especially when they’re pretty ladies. She can often be found crying a little bit over cartoons or laughing at inappropriate times in the middle of serious adult dramas. The written works of the Kittium range from bizarre sci-fi nonsense to slightly offbeat urban fantasy madness to the occasional romance. (...With added slightly offbeat urban fantasy madness.) She also likes making Gamebook-style stories, especially when she gets to write four different ways to kill a char- er, four different lovely, happy endings.

There are rumors that the Kittium brutally tortures innocent, fictional characters for her own twisted amusement. Misfortunes inflicted upon the characters ranges from falling down stairs to being stuck in a time loop of their continuous death via staring at a sun. Sometimes you just have to make someone witness the horrible, gruesome deaths of their loved ones over and over and over and over... You know. For character development. :)

    Tropes Applying to a Kittium 

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: If not always at least as often as applicable.

  • Black and Nerdy: Well... I’m on TV Tropes so I can’t deny that nerd bit.

  • Brainy Brunette: I have to default to my natural brown for work, which usually involves either math or correcting people’s grammar for money.

  • Catchphrase: “Hey, so I made it worse.”

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Refers to the dog as “the house animal”? Check. Talks to anime figurines? Check. Makes strange, wavy body movements to Synthpop and calls it dancing? Check. Can be found sniffing random objects in the house? Check. Occasionally twists into a horrifically uncomfortable position and yells, “Look! I’m a pretzel!”? Check.

  • Evil Laugh: Often heard when I brainstorm with my roleplay partners.

  • Dork in a Sweater: I already have the glasses. I might as well go all out.

  • Forgets to Eat: Who needs food when you can sit in the same spot, writing/drawing for 4+ hours, and suddenly regain awareness of the real world with immediate hunger and back pain!

  • Girlish Pigtails: My go-to style when I want to trick people into thinking I’m adorable.

  • Homeschooled Kids: Up until middle school. I am- … I was perfectly normal.

  • Nightmare Fetishist: I’m a little bit too into Edgar Allen Poe and finding new inspiration for finding horrible, horrible things to do to my characters.

  • No Social Skills: I’m getting better! I had a somewhat sheltered upbringing that lead to things like brutal honesty and inopportune times and horrified confusion at the interests of kids my age.

  • Perky Goth: Black lipstick and dark purple hair? Check. Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe book under my arm? Check. Playlist comprised mostly of the most morose Cure songs I could find? Check. Happily dancing around the house like a dork? Always, baby.

  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Often. Specific examples include:
“Ah, yes, the enemy of my enemy is my tolerable acquaintance.” Because sometimes friend is a bit much. “It is time to take the animal for his daily exercise. Chop, chop.” The dog needs his walkies. “I take offence to the notion that I inflict grievous and gratuitous harm onto my fictional beings solely for my own depraved amusement.” Exactly! I just do it because I think it’s fun!

You Gotta Have Blue Hair: I mainly depict myself with pink hair, but my choices of hair color ranges from a blue-brown mix to candy apple red to brown but split down the middle in two different shades.
