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Hi I'm Jiballsan. You might remember me as that guy who preordered an EA game, likes playing retro games in widescreen, enjoys Cyberpunk 2077, is fine with piracy, thinks Brickle Berry and Gemusetto are hilarious shows, thinks Freddy Got Fingered and Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank are comedy gold, believes Pop Team Epic is underrated, thinks the Calarts insult is stupid (Thick-Line Animation is my favorite though) and is alarmingly indifferent to Console Wars (no not that one) to the point where I own Nintendo Sony and Microsoft consoles and a PC.

Snarkasm aside I am also a pretty alright dude who tends to give things a chance despite much justified hesitation, and is brutally honest about everything. I love cartoons, anime, movies, The Amazing World of Gumball, (still waiting on the Big Damn Movie) RebelTaxi, YooHoo & Friends, (surprisingly better than a lot of animated comedies on right now) Persona 5, (my anime awakening) Neon Genesis Evangelion, NieR (life changing experience) that one obscure twitter webcartoon of the cat and squirrel in the 2000s (The most Art Style Dissonant [adult swim] level "kids" show no one's heard of and the Switch/video games in general, and reads this site more often than most people should. Join me on this journey. Or not I'm cool either way.
