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So, you want to know about me, do you?

I can't imagine you have nothing better to do.

Still here? ... All right, here goes nothing:

A brief history of E13 (WARNING: Kind of boring)

Well, I first came to this site at some point over the summer of '09. A forum redirect, it was, from Eight Bit Theater. My mind, being the wandering type, took to the wiki like a thing to a... thing... that it likes. My WikiWalks were numerous and meandering, and before I knew it, well, you know the saying. (Ha! weren't expecting that one, were you?)

The next major step was also brought about by Eight Bit Theater. (It is for this reason I have come to regard the webcomic as the bastion of moral guidance it is.) Upon researching the Magitek page, I was shocked to note that someone had neglected to mention warmech! Quickly, I logged on, created a name (I'm creative, I swear! Just not on short notice!) and added the much needed paragraph. Of course, now that I had a name... So there I went across the wiki, adding examples and correcting errors. Eventually I decided to immortalize myself on this page. So here I am, writing this page.


Right then, moving on.

     Tropes I've done stuff to 

But who is E13? (WARNING: Probably also boring.)

That's a good question, self. But I'd rather be as vague as possible - security, you understand. I'm definitely NOT a spy for my transdimensional elder god masters. When the stars finally align, they will NOT tear asunder the bonds of reality and turn our realm into a nightmarish hellscape, devouring the souls of the fortunate, and tormenting the unfortunate for all eternity. And I will NOT be laughing as it happens.

As it is, I'm currently in college, majoring in the sciences. I'm ambivalent about most politics, as I tend to get paralyzed by seeing both sides of arguments. One thing I'm not ambivalent about, however, is books. I live to read. Speculative Fiction has always been and will probably always be my favorite, but I expand my horizons from time to time. I tend to find authors I like, and take out their books en masse until I've read them all.

I don't watch much TV, but I do like some shows. Webcomics, on the other hand, are my main source of entertainment. I've never liked movie theaters, but I have several favorite films.





In conclusion...

It was nice talking to you. If you want to contact me for some reason, I have no idea how you can, but I'd be happy to hear from you...

Er, who are you again?
