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Trivia / Unavowed

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  • The Danza: Logan Cunningham plays Logan Brown.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Calliope appears based on her voice actress Abigail Wahl.
  • Production Posse: Wadjet continues to grow as a voice acting production company for adventure games, with Unavowed being a roundup of NYC actors Dave Gilbert had worked with in previous games, including Abe Goldfarb (Joey from The Blackwell Series), Logan Cunningham (Logan Brown, Horatio from Primordia (2012)), Arielle Siegel (Vicki, Max Lao from Technobabylon), and more. In the case of Frank Todaro, he'd moved to LA in the meantime, but Gilbert wanted him for Eli enough that he was willing to break his rule against recording via Skype. It also sees the return of Thomas Reign as soundtrack composer.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Originally, Wadjet Eye was in talks with Warner Bros. to develop an adventure game based on comic books published by Vertigo Comics. This, obviously, didn't make it past the talks. The idea for an Urban Fantasy adventure would later be used to develop Unavowed.
    • In the original draft, Calliope was going to be recruitable, but was cut during the concept stage for lack of ideas and to cut down on work multiplication. It does still show through in that she's the only character other than the PC to survive the Actor prologue, like Vicki and Logan for the Cop and Bartender respectively.
    • During director commentary, Gilbert originally conceived that romantic arcs would be planned as the game commenced. However, because Mandana would probably not want to date someone that killed her father, even if it was at his request, Eli still had a torch for his late wife, and Logan had a bunch of things going on his personal life, the idea was scrapped.
