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Trivia / Smoldeps Magickal Adventure 2 Even Gayer

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  • Creator's Apathy: You know how Smoldep goes from having different sprite expressions to staying in the exact same one despite her dialogue and expression being wildly different at times? Yeah, that’s just because Athanasynt got lazy.
  • Creator's Favourite: Surprisingly… Not Smoldep. The creator’s favourite is actually Mr. Creepor who was mentioned once by Prof. Momo, who was a character in another story made in google slides connected to him. It's a Long Story.
  • The Danza: Although Athanasynt’s Youtube channel is named Ash S., her real name is actually Amanda.
  • From Entertainment to Education: While the game was made for fun and is at its core just a huge inside joke, after posting it on YouTube it gained the attention of people genuinely wanting to learn how to make visual novels in Google Slides.
    • Due to the comments asking for a tutorial, Athanasynt did end up making one, which can be found here.
  • In Memoriam: A little bit morbid for a Just for Fun project, but Prof. Momo’s appearance was made in memoriam to the author’s dead dog, Momo.
  • Magnum Opus Dissonance: Given how there’s a TV Tropes page for this while all the other creative projects Athanasynt has tried to do are either in Development Hell or in the 90% of Sturgeon's Law, this is a Self-Demonstrating Article.
  • Marth Debuted in "Smash Bros.": Although not because of game exports, Smoldep is commonly mistaken to be debuting in her own game since the actual game she debuts in, An Extreme Adventure, is not shared with the public.
  • Model Dissonance: The way Smoldep’s expression sprites work is with the built-in crop function on Google Slides, where the uncropped area is on the square of whichever expression needed in a normal facial expression spritesheet. If double-clicked on the square to show the full image, the whole spritesheet shows up.
  • Newbie Boom: The first video ever uploaded of the game wasn’t being recommended to anyone and only had a meagre amount of views, until making visual novels in Google Slides started trending and Athanasynt made a video tutorial on how to do so using the Smoldep’s Magickal Adventure series as an example.
  • No Origin Stories Allowed: Smoldep is purely a Comic Relief character and will never get a serious backstory.
  • Queer Character, Queer Actor: Considering that Amanda is a literal Author Avataryeah.
  • Sequel First: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: Due to the difficulties of making a long game in Google Slides, the “You Win!” ending where Amanda stops making the game after Smoldep complains about how there are too few endings is all because the author genuinely did not want to add any more endings in order to prevent the game from getting too laggy.
  • Throw It In!: Robert Downey Jr. was meant to be a placeholder for Smoldep’s favourite person.
  • Tribute to Fido: Prof. Momo.
  • Word of Gay: Smoldep is confirmed to be pansexual.
  • Word of God: Trivia trivia — Most of the Trivia on this page is because Athanasynt is One of Us and put it here themself.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: This may be of a shock to you, but no, Athanasynt didn’t sit at a desk and outline how Prof. Momo was secretly Robert Downey Jr. the whole time and planned to end the game because it’s not a Smoldep visual novel without Smoldep you fucking idiot. The whole game was made up on the spot.
