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Trivia / Chikn Nuggit

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  • Cross-Dressing Voices:
    • Kyra Kupetsky and Dawn M. Bennett are women who voice the male characters Chikn Nuggit and Sody Pop, respectively.
  • Descended Creator: Show creator Kyra Kupetsky voices Chikn Nuggit himself.
  • Newbie Boom: One seemingly happened out of nowhere around the beginning of 2022, with the series getting a decent spike in popularity. It’s unknown what truly caused it, but most fans just assume it was the introduction of Cofi.
  • Rule 34 – Creator Reactions: Kyra Kupetsky is aware that NSFW fanart of the show's cast exists, and is completely cool with it, but says she doesn't retweet or share said art since her show is PG at best.
  • Trans Character, Cis Actor: Cristina Valenzuela is a woman who voices Fwench Fwy, who is agender.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In a Behind The Scenes video posted on January 3rd, 2022, Kyra revealed some prototype designs and behind the scenes tidbits of the cast:
      • Cheezborger originally had a permanent Blank White Eyes expression on her face, but she ended up being given more expressive eyes in her final design as her original look would've limited her expressions.
      • Slushi had a different design with pink fur, slanted eyes, pointier eyelashes, and eyeshadow-like markings and originally had more of a "sassy aunt personality", but ended up being changed to her current teal furred, more rounded design and Adorkable personality, as she felt it would be more relatable to younger audiences.
      • Fwench Fwy was originally going to be a deer and had a more nervous personality.
      • Hawt Saus was originally planned to be a donkey instead of a squirrel.
    • Early concept art features Chikn's name originally being Chicken Nugget; Sody Pop was instead named Sodi, had claws and brown and white face stripes akin to real life red pandas; and Slushi had a tuft fur chest and lacked turquoise accents on her tail and ears.
    • This concept art showed that Bezel was originally going to have a chubby design. However, Kyra decided to go with a lankier design instead because she found the chubby design too adorable to be funny. Bezel was also meant to be a gag character who gets his comeuppance whenever he messes with the others, and Kyra wanted to avoid the Fat Comic Relief trope.
    • This short from September 20th, 2023 shows several short ideas that ended up being scrapped for various reasons. These include one about Chikn asking about Cheezeborger's parents, and then showing a cutaway of cat cuddling a hamburger (cut due to weird implications), one where Iscream is covered in blood but insists that it's not their blood (cut for being too violent), a Halloween episode involving Chikn, Chee, and Sody trading candy (cut due to mentioning razor blades in candy), and one with Iscream talking about pears being their favorite fruit (the reason for this being cut wasn't fully given, but the short did involve Fwench Fwy being present and getting annoyed by their comment).
  • Word of God: The otter, monkey, gecko, and red panda from these shorts are named Saltwater Taffy, Chili Chee, Shugacube, and Bwead Puddin.
  • Word of Gay:
    • A video uploaded for Pride Month 2022 explicitly confirms that Cheezborger and Slushi are bisexual, and both Iscream and Fwench Fwy are agender.
    • A later video also has Fwench Fwy admit that they're gay.
    • Chikn and Cofi are confirmed to be pansexual with this short and this tweet.
  • Written by Cast Member: In addition to voicing Bezel, Kellen Goff also came up with his name.
  • Write Who You Know: Kellen Goff based his performance on Bezel after his grandfather who was a watch repairman.
