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Trivia / Battlarts

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  • What Could Have Been: The promotion was originally going to have a point system similar to the other U-System promotions, but everyone forgot to bring the score boards for the first show, so they just winged it without it and it became a staple of the promotion going forward.
    • In 2001, the promotion co-sponsored the first annual Fire Festival tournament of Pro Wrestling ZERO1 and had plans to enter its wrestlers into the tournament, but canceled under pressure from Antonio Inoki, which Battlarts also had a relationship with his UFO promotion, due to the animosity between Inoki and Shinya Hashimoto. It also led to the decline of the promotion due to backlash and the promotion had to shut down on October 26, before resuming operations on June 9 2002.
    • Alexander Otsuka offered Marco Ruas a rematch if he wanted, but as a pro wrestling match in Battlarts itself. Naturally Ruas didn’t even consider it.
    • According to Yuki Ishikawa, a Battlarts show was scheduled to take place in Taiwan in 2009. It was cancelled as a result of the Taiwanese government stepping in. According to the government, the show would have been too bloody and anti-social for the Taiwanese people.
