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Tear Jerker / There's Something About

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There's Something About Amy

  • Whether or not you liked Amy Rose’s fan girly crush obsession with Sonic, "There's Something About Amy" takes this concept and shows us a woman who's a tragic victim of her own obsessions and Tails' manipulations, which culminates in part 2 with her violently murdering Sonic after he rejects what she is now. This then shatters her already fragile psyche even further once she realizes that she destroyed the object of her desire. This is a sad case in Real Life as most obsessive killers do kill their victims, who they often stalk, when their "perfect partner" rejects them and shatters their delusions of them.
  • Her dialogue throughout part 2 doesn't make it hurt any less. She seems to swing back between realizing something is wrong with this whole situation and clinging to the delusion that this is what both she and Sonic wanted. Another tragic case of Real Life with victims of delusional episodes as they can swing between being rational and being sucked back into their twisted fantasy world where they think that what they are doing is rational.
    • The further kicker is that Sonic saw that she was mentally unstable and wanted to help her. But since she clung so hard to her delusion that she willingly altered her body to be what Sonic desired and that she was crushing Sonic's arm to the point that blood was being drawn and his bones were being crushed; Sonic saw no other way to reach out to her, but to snap at her and call her a monster and telling her that they will never be together. Poor choice of words on his part, but as he’s trying to leave, you can see how crushed he is with the whole situation and when she leaps to smash his head in, his expression is one of remorse and sadness. What makes the whole situation worse was that Sonic really did care about Amy and was hoping that they would have a romantic relationship. But because of Amy's insanity, that would sadly never happen.
  • Come Part 3 and she's now completely broken, a slave to her delusions and the manipulations of another Tails who claims he can take her to the "real Sonic", the one who’ll love her no matter what.
    • Also from Part 3, with the reveal that Sonic did indeed reciprocate Amy's feelings for him, and as Tails put it, he was too scared to admit it, we're treated to a Once More, with Clarity moment of Amy's first attempt at romancing Sonic from Part 1, which shows Sonic's perspective after he shut the door on Amy, revealing that he berated himself for not mustering up the courage to display appreciation for Amy's efforts. We're also shown that the reason Amy's attempts at following Tails' advice in order to get Sonic to love her didn't work was because Tails gave the exact same advice to Sonic, and with The Reveal of Tails' true identity in the episode, it was all part of his true intention to keep them apart. People who have trouble admitting that they reciprocate the feelings of those who have crushes on them may sympathize with Sonic.

There's Something About Knuckles

  • Crossing over with Nightmare Fuel, the general premise of the world alone is this. Compared to {=TSAA=}, which was close to the canon world until Secret History Tails intervened, the world of There's Something About Knuckles is a nightmare in comparison. A massive monster has been killing citizens left and right, and the people are fighting a losing battle against it. People are dying, time is running out, and options are getting slim.
    Knuckles: If we fail, people die. So it's simple: We cannot fail… not ever.
  • Just to set the scene, the very first character shown onscreen is a child, huddled up in a blanket, hugging a Chao plush and clearly terrified as the scene cuts to a town full of weary survivors. With just a few shots, the dreary tone of this world is immediately made clear.
  • After failing to defeat the Titan, Knuckles gives the entire squadron a massive "The Reason You Suck" Speech, with Amy retorting back at him. While the team are friends back in the canon universe, they're at each other's throats in this one.
    • Knuckles being hard on the team gets a bit of an explanation in the next episode. He wants to keep everyone alive, yes, but deep down the echidna is terrified of letting everyone down, so he takes his anger out on everyone else.
  • For a single shot inside Amy's mech, one can find a picture of her and Tekno, her best friend in Sonic the Comic. Come Part 2, and as Knuckles is watching over the city, he sees Amy visiting a mass grave, with her giving flowers to one belonging to Tekno.
    • What's worse is that the picture includes hearts around it, and Tekno's grave describes her as a "Loving Partner", indicating that the two were dating before Tekno died.
    • In the same shot, numerous other graves belonging to various Sonic characters are lined up, extending offscreen. The ones seen onscreen include Charmy, Vanilla, Rogue, Johnny Lightfoot, Ebony, Shortfuse, Mighty, Mad Dog, Joe Sushi, and a "Bill". Just goes to show that no one is safe here.
  • While we're on the subject, Cream probably deserves a special mention here. Her mother has died to the beast roaming the wild, has a history of being verbally berated by her leader, watched one of her teammates almost die right in front of her, and now has to grapple with the fact that her former hero was transformed into the monster who's responsible for it all. Remember, she can't be that much older than her canon counterpart.
  • Knuckles' internal rant during Part 2 reveals that he's suffering from serious imposter syndrome, tormented by the fact that his world is falling apart while Sonic took it all in stride. Sonic's death and his new position has greatly taken a toll on Knuckles' psyche.
  • The reveal of what truly happened to Sonic. He was only trying to help his enemy in a moment of pity, but that was just what Robotnik wanted, transferring the curse onto him and turning him into the raging Titan that plagues the city. Now his friends have to live with fighting him until they can put him out of his misery.
  • After Knuckles' failed attempt to stab its last eye, the titan spews out lava to attack those on the ground. Tails and Cream manage to dodge the attack, but Big...well, he wasn’t so lucky.
  • Out of desperation, Amy resorts to talking to the Sonic Titan in an attempt to get him to come to his senses. It was actually working. However, it snapped back because it sensed Knuckles using the emerald shard pried out of him on himself, as Knuckles' communications got damaged and didn't see the whole thing.
  • Episode 8 ends with a massive Downer Ending. This whole time, SH! Tails and SAA! Amy were manipulating Knuckles from the very beginning to turn him into a monster, turning him into a Titan that killed everyone, including his friends. After SAA! Amy manages to convince him to join them, all Knuckles can do is smirk at the idea of more worlds to destroy, having succumbed to the effects of the emerald and accepting he is now a monster.
