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WMG / There's Something About

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Tails' true plan.
He aims the create his own ideal Sonic universe by gathering and manipulating alternate versions of Sonic's friends who fit his ideals, then draining their universes of their energy into his own.

In the ultimate irony for Secret Histories Tails, he isn't even the Tails from his own universe.
He's a skinwalker wearing the actual Tails' body. The real one died before ever meeting Sonic.

Secret History Tails is an alien.
His technicolor blue, green, and pink spiral eyes feel otherwordly, along with his abilities of shapeshifting and brainwashing. What appears to be a stretched out version of Tails is actually some kind of creature wearing the original Secret History Tails' corpse. His hypnosis could also possibly be part of his biology.
  • Seemingly jossed, as in an interview with SH Tails' voice actor, he states that, while there have been temptations to lift fan theories for use in their cartoons, they never have. In the same interview, he jokes about the possibility of Tails being Mario, Sonic, or even Mr. Sega

Secret History Tails will try to enslave SH Knuckles.
In part of Tails plan to find the "real" Sonic, he will make sure that Knuckles kills his universe's Sonic in order for the Chaos Curse to transform him into the next Titan, then with a device he will be able to control him to use him for his "Team Tails".
  • Confirmed as of Episode 9.

SH Tail will try to transform Sonic into his "ideal" version
His final goal besides transforming the multiverse will be finding the main version of the Sonic we all know and try to broke and transform him into one that fits his standars and lead the army he's building.

The series will cross over with other Mashed Sonic animations
For example, the Sonicverse raps, or Clone Chaos. SH Tails could aim to kill every Sonic in the Sonicverse.

After TSAK, there will be There's Something About Shadow
So far, all of the featured characters have been either victims, or attempted victims of SH Tails.With Amy and Knuckles already confirmed, that only leaves There's Something About Shadow to be the next installment in the saga.

Secret Histories Tails is a version of Nine from Sonic Prime who eliminated both Green Hill and the Shatterspaces.
Sometime afterwards, he dug too deeply into the fabric of reality and his psyche, which may have already been damaged by isolation, completely breaks. He proceeds to kill and replace the Tails made by Sega in the Secret Histories episode, and the events of said episode proceed to happen. He may or may not have been planning to abduct that Sonic at any point, but in any case, he later proceeds to cause untold horrors across the multiverse in pursuit of his own personally crafted, perfect Green Hill.

The "What Are Friends For?" line will eventually be subverted.
It will be a genuine question being asked by that world's Tails, not a hint of Secret Histories Tails. Bonus points if someone else is aware of that phrase's significance and turns on a good Tails due to mistaking him for the doppelganger.

Future "There's Something Abouts..."
  • Shadow
    • A Punisher-style comic book story, where he's trying to avenge Maria while hunted by Sonic and Tails.
  • Rouge
  • Silver
    • An X-Men style story where people with superpowers are hunted by the government.
  • Cream
    • A cutesy My Little Pony-esque series where friendship isn't enough to save her friends.
  • Eggman
    • Dr. Eggman is one of the last remaining human beings after animals became humanoid and developed powers. He travels the wasteland while protecting his daughter, Sage.
  • Sonic
    • The final series. Sonic has learned about Secret History Tails from a previous hero who escaped. He's grown paranoid, not sure who among his friends are real and who has been replaced or manipulated by SH Tails.
