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Tear Jerker / Ragnarok (2020)

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Season One

Season 1, episode 1

  • Isolde's death and Magne's subsequent breakdown. She was the first person he connected with at school and he feels guilt at having not accompanied her on the trip up the mountain. His scream is that of pure anguish.

Season Two

Season 2, episode 5!!

  • The fallout from Vidar's death.
    • Fjor, having initially opposed his father, now feels compelled to avenge him. He also breaks with Gry, despite having promised to leave Edda with her.
    • Ran and Saxa are at odds because Fjor is set to inherit Vidar's position. Saxa, having worked her life towards becoming head of Jutul industries is outraged by the unfairness of the situation. At the same time, she gets upset at the notion of Fjor abandoning his family.
    • Laurits is in denial of Vidar's attempt to murder him, and instead is upset at Magne for taking away his father. Though the two have always been at odds, it seems that their relationship is finished now.
    • Magne takes it the hardest. Despite it being self-defence, he is horrified by the act of killing someone. Then Wotan informs that the war will not stop until he has killed all the giants. Magne is so broken by this, that he prays to God to take his powers. By the end of the episode, he is Brought Down to Normal and still a mess.
