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Tear Jerker / Fate/type Redline

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  • Most of the scenes involving Kaname are sad. Kaname Asama is easily the nicest figure in the Imperial Japanese Army, and clearly cares deeply for the soldiers under her command, completely unlike Magatsu. Too bad most of the army hates her because she’s biracial with a foreign mother, Magatsu callously abuses the poor girl and outright orders her to kill herself if Nobunaga goes out of control, and Nobunaga herself (while certainly more courteous than the rest) still barely listens to her. She’s up there as one of the most sympathetic Masters in the war alongside Kanata, but unlike him having Saber, Tsukumo, and more recently Ryōma and Oryō helping him out, Kaname has exactly ONE genuine ally who half the time seems content to leave her in the lurch.
