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Tear Jerker / Escape the Night

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It has come down to the point where everyone's heart drops while watching the show... pun intended.

Also, as a Moments page, SPOILERS ARE OFF.

Season 1

  • Episode 1: Shane, especially when combined with the reactions of the YouTubers themselves — they tried so hard to save him, but it was all in vain... then add the countless fans and the We Hardly Knew Ye element into the mix...
  • Episode 3: Justine was seen as a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing by pretty much the rest of the cast since the last episode (due to a Failure-to-Save Murder death challenge, which killed Andrea). This episode, she was Buried Alive by her fellow YouTubers—excluding Joey and Matt. Bonus points for her having claustrophobia.note 
    • Extra for Joey, who was actively trying to save her and REFUSED TO HELP BURY HER. Basically, he didn't react very well to his friends' decision to kill one of his close friends. Let us just say that this death was his Cynicism Catalyst and leave it at that.
    • Hell, her death was even ranked the saddest death of the first two seasons in a fan poll.
  • Episode 6: Matt realizing he killed Sierra after reading the whole note.
  • Episode 8: Tim's death by Russian Roulette, especially when combined with Eva's reaction and the implication that it was a Heroic Sacrifice for her.
  • Episode 9: Lele. Hot-Blooded Latina Cloud Cuckoo Lander with a plentiful fanbase. Add close to 30 minutes of suffering from Electric Torture and eventually experiencing a High-Voltage Death...
    • Also Oli, in the same episode, who had to deal with the same electric shocks, and is implied to have a traumatic Freak Out by the very next episode, less than an hour after the incident took place (in the ETN-verse).

Season 2

Season 3

  • Episode 1: Literally the first three lines of Joey's introductory narration-recap, complete with the replay of his previous death at the end of Season 2.
    Joey: (voiceover) I thought I had defeated the Evil for good this time. I thought I was going home. I was wrong.
  • Jc's death in Episode 2. To explain: Matt voted Jc into the first death challenge because he didn't know Jc did a lot to help the group during that episode, as they were in separate groups at the time. Not only does Jc actually go into the challenge because of this, but he chooses Matt himself to assist him, not realizing that Matt voted for him in the first place. Matt fails, and not only does this result in Jc's death, but Matt's confession afterwards shows that he feels absolutely terrible for not saving Jc.
  • Episode 5: Matt's death, even if temporary. Heartbreaking to watch. Even more so with Platonic Life Partner Rosanna and her response.
    • It gets even worse when it's made clear that EVERYONE in the group knew that Matt didn't have a chance against Manny.
      Safiya: I have this pit in my stomach like I'm just going to watch my best friend die.
    • Goes up to eleven when the group realized they made a big mistake.
  • Episode 6: You would think that with the Trailers Always Spoil thing, the fans would be prepared for this. Apparently not — the voting scene leading up to it, Colleen's reaction to the betrayal, and the fact that her Cruel and Unusual Death was performed with an Iron Maiden...that hurts our heart as well as hers. In fact, out of the Seasons 1-3 deaths, hers was ranked in fan polls as the second-saddest—though arguably, her death could be even sadder than Rosanna's.
    • To a degree, the flashback sequence pre-episode, and the Backstory of the Monster of the Week: The owner of the Dollmaker's Shoppe was trying to keep his business open and so made a deal with the Carnival Master to try to do so, giving him hope when the Carnival Master said that customers would be "knocking down his door" to buy his dolls...only for him to be stabbed to death in his sleep by the two twin dolls he addressed as his "children" that are revealed to be this episode's Artifact Guardians.
  • Not a death, but still just as saddening: In Episode 7, Nikita and Manny's death challenge has both of them dreading either one of them dying, both of them vowing right before they go into the challenge that whoever comes out, they'll get vengeance on the ones who voted them in. Nikita repeatedly apologizes to Manny after she completes both the first room AND the final room in the challenge, with Manny supporting her despite that meaning that he's more likely to lose the challenge. Once Nikita does win, Nikita is relieved that she'll stay alive, but is equally horrified because she and Manny were under the impression at the time that Manny would die due to his loss in the challenge. Both of them cry over this, joining each other in the elevator and hugging each other before heading out of the Funhouse together is what makes this even more saddening. Due to the twist of this episode's death challenge, however, neither of them die — which is a relief for the both of them, but horrible for the person that voted Nikita into the challenge.
    • Then the fanbase is horrified when they are reminded that Safiya was the one who voted Nikita in, and was thus fishhooked by Willie, the Monster of the Week. Many still cry outrage because of the "stupid Plot Twist".
  • Matt having an emotional breakdown over Safiya's dead body post her death.
  • Matt and Rosanna having to go against their wishes and verse each other in a death challenge.
  • Rosanna's death, and the entire death challenge leading up to it. When it's too obviously clear that Rosanna won't complete the challenge before the other three contestants do, Matt and Rosanna exchange the following last words before her death:
    Matt: You're the best friend I could ever ask for, Ro.
    Rosanna: I love you.
    Matt: I love you too.
    • It ends with Matt telling Rosanna to be brave as she is led to the witches' altar to be sacrificed.
      • After Rosanna's death, Matt comments on how heartbreaking it is knowing that Rosanna is dead. Even after the group cleanses the artifact, EVERYONE takes a moment to acknowledge Rosanna's death and that it sucks.
  • Episode 9: Manny's death at the hands of Nikita. She had the option of killing him or herself and he was begging her not to shoot him.

Season 4 (All Stars)

  • The fact that anyone who dies in this season is Killed Off for Real (in-universe) and may never again be Back from the Dead. It makes the eliminations hit a lot harder, as they have no second chance.
  • Episode 2: At the very end of the challenge, it is stated that the winner had to command the Pharaoh to kill the one who lost. Poor Justine… again.
  • A quote from DeStorm in Episode 1. "Me and Tim go way back. I said, 'Tim, what you doing here?' He said, 'I died, too.'" Cue Episode 3 death challenge.
  • Episode 4: DeStorm and Alex's alliance was quite short-lived as they had to battle each other once more. This time, though, the former is implied to have made a Heroic Sacrifice, saying that it was "for Lauren". As in: He. Deliberately. Broke the rules of the challenge. And got killed for being a Rebellious Spirit.
  • In the Episode 5 challenge, Gabbie and Tana ran out of time, the protection shield fell, and BOTH of them died. And the kickers? One, everyone else arrived just in time to witness it; and two, just before the challenge, they were hoping that they would both come out alive like in the last challenge they had done together, back in Season 2 Episode 3. Tempting Fate at its finest, but still…
  • Mortimer being turned to stone in Episode 6 when the Gorgon first attacks the group. Colleen and Rosanna are both clearly unhappy about it, with both of them citing their trust in him in their confessions. Even the Sorceress vowed to pay vengeance to the Gorgon for this.
  • Episode 6 had Colleen's death. What makes it worse is that Matt, who was helping her in the challengenote , doesn't get a chance to even try defending Colleen, as he's instantly teleported out of Purgatory and back to Jael and Ryu, cursing his failure to save Colleen from death. Remember that Matt failed to save Jc in Season 3, too, so that makes it two people he technically failed to save.
    • What also hurts is that Alex, in his confession, admits that he thought that if he put the amulet that commands the Minotaur together fast enough, he might be able to save Colleen from death. He didn't make it in time.
  • Sinbad pulling a Taking You with Me against Ali Baba and both got killed, in Episode 7. Fatima crying over her now-dead love's body is even more heart-wrenching.
  • Alex's death in Episode 8. His last confession only made it worse... as did the Ethereal Choir in the background.
  • Yet another Episode 9 Heartbreaker: Poor dear Rosanna was trying to tame, or at least train, the dinosaurs. It did nothing to help her. The screaming made it worse…
